It’s just my personal web site with some fun stuff to go in it for all my friends to see. The pages aren’t all up yet, so you’ll see a lot of empty spaces :sigh: Also, I’m having a little trouble with the dynamic text, so you might see some random numbers or letters scattered in there.
first off, the navigation buttons are huge!!! and try using a different font in your main part. i like the color used in the image, try to use that more throughout the site
BadMagick --> i’m getting a cannot find server page. is your website down??? also when i click on the button in your profile for your website it shows the old 404 cannot be found :trout:
great site. nice and simple and i like the animations you have.
i feel like there is something missing. some more animation maybe.
also put the news up in that black spot up top. this way it catches you. (only if you want too, it is also fine where it is).
i see you are useing the scroll bar component. you can customize the colors to match your theme. but that takes some time. only if you have it.
other than that your site looks great. just add some more sontent.
I like your motion tweens and transitions, but to be honest, dude, your text really bugs my eyes, and I just had to take an Ibuprophen to get rid of the killer headache I got from it. I’d increase the size of the text a bit, because that font you use, really is annoying at such a small size. I know…I use it.
Your navigation bar is a bit too big for the site you’ve presented. If this were a child-oriented site, then it would be perfect, but it’s not. Try decreasing it by a good 30 pixels, or so. You don’t have to, but it’s merely a suggestion.
Sorry if I sound rude, but that headache is getting to me, and this client of mine isn’t helping matters.
Anyway, on a scale of 10, I’d give the site a 7.5!
Are my buttons really THAT annoying?! I kinda like 'em.
I was trying to keep the symetry of everything so I wanted them spread out the same size as the rest of the site, and it’s easy navigation for all the drunk people who will visit my site.
Really though, if they’re too big, I’ll build another navigation structure.