Phirst Contact (as phil would say)

if any one wants to talk, we can connect through aim. it would save on a phone bill. lol :bandit:

I think Phil has free nights on his cell phone so let him [SIZE=1]stalk[/SIZE] , I mean talk to you. =)

stalk … hehe…
didn’t phil say alex was “dreamy”?, or was that Dan, or Davey or…???

j/k Phil … :wink:

Doh! Phil caught me. =)

Hey EG:

thanks for changing your footer…

I appreciate it… :love:


Phil is no stalker - just a friendly person :slight_smile:

And this new quick reply thing rocks!!!

cameras don’t work where Tuknuk lives…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Hey EG:

thanks for changing your footer…

I appreciate it… :love:

Rev **

No problem. =)

spamming on my thread i see:)