Create a new image 500x500 px with a dark gray background. Using the type tool create your text in white make it as big as possible, I used times new roman font. Click OK. Go to Layer>Type>Render Layer. When done hold CTRL and click on the text to select it. Now go to the channels palette and create a new channel.
the problem i am having is this -
Click OK. Go to Layer>Type>Render Layer. When done hold CTRL and click on the text to select it. Now go to the channels palette and create a new channel.
*Originally posted by Alex *
the problem i am having is this -
Click OK. Go to Layer>Type>Render Layer. When done hold CTRL and click on the text to select it. Now go to the channels palette and create a new channel.
i am not sure what to do here.
after you rasterize the layer, ctrl click it, which makes it a selection then go to channels, i think you know where it is, then at bottom you will see some options, like create new channel where usually you see create new layer if ur in layer window
OOn the new channel fill the selection in white. Now Deselect (CTRL +D) Go to Filter>Blur>Guassian Blur. Use a radius of 8 and again Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur use a setting of 4 again Filter>Blur> Gaussian Blur and enter 2. Once more Filter>Blur>Guassian Blur and enter 1. When done, go back to the layers palette and click on the type layer.
ok when it says use the quassian blur. then use a radius of 8. then it wants a setting of 4.
lol. now i did all the steps and it doesnt look like the sample picture. i dont know what i did wrong. i have to get off of the computer before i break something:evil: . if some one could tell me what i did wrong it would be greatly appriciated. i will be back after school tomorrow to give it another try.
i’m not sure where you may have gone wrong, like i said that tutorial was hard to keep up with… there are probably easier ways to acheive that same effect… if i find one, i’ll let you know…
i must be stupid. i tried to make another logo thing and it did the same thing as the last one. its just not working. i must be missing something that is causing this.