Photo Shop?

i have found this tut and i am stuck!

here is the problem it says to -

Create a new image 500x500 px with a dark gray background. Using the type tool create your text in white make it as big as possible, I used times new roman font. Click OK. Go to Layer>Type>Render Layer. When done hold CTRL and click on the text to select it. Now go to the channels palette and create a new channel.

the problem i am having is this -

Click OK. Go to Layer>Type>Render Layer. When done hold CTRL and click on the text to select it. Now go to the channels palette and create a new channel.

i am not sure what to do here.

whats the tut? link?

which PS are you using? 7?

go to Layer>Rasterize>Layer

then that will make the text into a normal shape. Now use the magic wand tool to select the text.

Then open up the channels panel (it should be in the same window as the layers panel its a tab)

then fill the shape in with white…

i have a trial version 7.0 i think

*Originally posted by Alex *
the problem i am having is this -

Click OK. Go to Layer>Type>Render Layer. When done hold CTRL and click on the text to select it. Now go to the channels palette and create a new channel.

i am not sure what to do here.

after you rasterize the layer, ctrl click it, which makes it a selection then go to channels, i think you know where it is, then at bottom you will see some options, like create new channel where usually you see create new layer if ur in layer window


i feel really stupid right now;(

OOn the new channel fill the selection in white. Now Deselect (CTRL +D) Go to Filter>Blur>Guassian Blur. Use a radius of 8 and again Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur use a setting of 4 again Filter>Blur> Gaussian Blur and enter 2. Once more Filter>Blur>Guassian Blur and enter 1. When done, go back to the layers palette and click on the type layer.

ok when it says use the quassian blur. then use a radius of 8. then it wants a setting of 4.

don’t worry about feeling stupid, i feel stupid at all times :wink:

it basically wants you to do the blur it 4 times…first 8, then 4, then 2 then 1

lol. now i did all the steps and it doesnt look like the sample picture. i dont know what i did wrong. i have to get off of the computer before i break something:evil: . if some one could tell me what i did wrong it would be greatly appriciated. i will be back after school tomorrow to give it another try.

thanks;) :stuck_out_tongue: ;( :!: :smirk: (-: 8] :bounce:

lol, maybe you need a break then try it again 2morrow, or attach whatever you have here and maybe someone can help :slight_smile:

here is the picture.

i have been playing around with it in photo show and i still cant figure out where i went wrong.:angry:

is this what you were trying to do? i tried to follow the tutorial and you’re right, it can get kind of confusing…

wow. what was i doing wrong.

i’m not sure where you may have gone wrong, like i said that tutorial was hard to keep up with… there are probably easier ways to acheive that same effect… if i find one, i’ll let you know…

i must be stupid. i tried to make another logo thing and it did the same thing as the last one. its just not working. i must be missing something that is causing this.

im still trying and its still not working. haha im loosing it.:trout:

try another chrome tutorial, there are millions!! just do a search on google…

Choose Filters, Render, Lighting Effects… and use the following settings.

ok i am following a tut at

and where is says filters,render,lighting effects it wont let me click on the lighting effects.

what am i doing wrong.:hair: