Hey, I was just wondering if someone can give me some good tutorial websites on PS7…i’m really just looking for cool stuff to try out on my new design for my site that ahmed is helping with…
Hey, I was just wondering if someone can give me some good tutorial websites on PS7…i’m really just looking for cool stuff to try out on my new design for my site that ahmed is helping with…
A simple search of the forum will lead you to the following:
:trout: …sry about that…
teamphotoshop.com is a nice site too
yea…checking out now…i might do more with graphics…recently…i’ve been making some progress…:chinaman:…look at the cool “e” i made!..lol
lol yeah its pretty cool, very artistic
look at this tutorial:
i’m stuck on the part 2 where it says i havta contrast, photoshop says that i hav to select a certain pixel…i’ve done the tut before but for some reason, never had this problem…
dunno wat to do from then…
Depending on the size of the text, if you contract the marquee by 16 pixels it will close in on itself, and no pixels will be selected.
So you have to adjust that value to fit the needs of your text.
i’m not sure wat ur saying
The step says to hold CTRL and click on the layer “e”, then create a new layer and contract the marquee by 16px.
But thing about it… if your marquee is say only 16px wide, then contracting the marquee by 16px would be too much, therefore the marquee will just be equal to 0… no marquee means no area is selected.
so instead of contrasting (don’t know wat it means) it to 16px, i should do it to 0?
Its not contrasting, its contracting, which means to make smaller.
And if you contract by 0, then it won’t contract at all
It all depends on the size of your letter on how much you contract by, its pretty much just guess and check I suppose :-\
no area selected?..wouldn’t that screw up the final result?..another thing…is it possible that the tutoiral is mainly for lik…1 letter, but not for words?
No area selected will screw up the final result, that is why you get the error saying that no area was selected.
And as with any tutorial, it teaches a method of doing something. It is up to you to take what you learned and modify it for what you need.
In this case it teaches you how to do the effect on 1 letter, but once you know how to do the effect, you can take what you learned and apply it to any object you want, including whole words.
wel…obviously whole words doesn’t work…
Hmm, interesting. I have never done the tutorial myself, so I wouldn’t know what to do to make it work for a whole word.
There are plenty of other tutorial that teach you the same effect with different methods.
If you do a search on google or look at the Sticky thread in this section titled “Useful Tutorials and Resources” and look for for Glass Text or Aqua Text, I am sure you are to find the effect you are looking for.
on this forum?
Its the sticky thread with a TON of Photoshop tutorial sites that will probably be able to help you out.
Glass Text and Aqua Text (same effect, different name) are popular tutorials, I am sure you can find at least one on each of those sites
alrit, thanks a lot for your help
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