Ok, I know my competition with cheesy_x is not yet complete, however as a request of Joe the man, we shall battle as well. He has designated me to be the starter of the event. So I suppose I will specify the basic rules such as rounds and such. I want this to be more of a free battle. I read a post not too long ago from a member here, who really pointed something out. He was obviously an artist. He said that by having one of the contendors choose a theme and picture, only shows how good they are at such a specific aspect of art.
He said that it can easily be used to put the chooser to an advantage. So, I think that I will suggest a few specifics so that we can base judging off of something, but I will ask for Joe’s complete agreement in each aspect.
3 Rounds
No Dimensions
Something Fantastical (Most likely easier foor us n00bs) hehe
Ok here is my first thing (literally, ive never done this before lol) i used some lyrics from a nirvana song , tell me what you think. i know its not great but ive got a little ways to go. took me about 45 mins
ok well joe already knows… . . but to inform others … . . there is something wrong with my adobe photoshop. It says my serial key has expired. I have tried reinstalling but its not working so I have to redownload it. Sorry for the delay