Photoshop or firewrks..question

Ok I am trying to make a seam less bgrd. But what I want to tile is text. But for each line of text I want it to shift to the right. So when I tile the bgrd (or pattern) the text will have the appearance of being diagonally lined up as you look down the page. Not in straight vertical lines. I hope I described that right. If someone could help me I would greatly appreciate it.


bump :frowning:

yup no problem, image coming up —

is this what you’re looking for (try to use the ‘use as a wallpaper’ option)

that is exactly what I am trying to do how did you do that?

i want to know too

line it up right :beam:

bump…mlk how did you do that…I could not find a use as wallpaper option??

in photoshop just type in your text, then raster the text, use the marquee tool to select a square area around the text then go to edit and choose define pattern or something like that good luck :beam:

this works with text or any image you want to use as a pattern, with text you have to make sure its rastered otherwise it wont work :wink:

3d use tile

:frowning: I cant get it to work like his did…Could someone post a screen sshot or something please

of the desktop bg?
i will if thats it…let me know

I am not trying to make a desktop? I am trying to make this pattern for a web page bgrd. I think I may have confused ya’ll is it possible to do what ever it is your doing and use that as a webpage bgrd??

i think it should werk the same though/

eh…maybe I am missing something…I will back away from the cpu and try this again in a minute…

ywah thaT always helops!

sorry i didnt check the thread earlier - i didnt use an automated script but methinks i could someday anyway i’ll try to explain:
try to think in term of textures and the way it’ll repeat.

basically what i did was
.: i copied and pasted the same line of text 11 times and kept the same space in between each.

.: i indented the space each time to get the diagonal effect until the last text was aligned with the first

.: i deleted the last one and cropped the image to have a SQUARE having for width 1 line of text