I’m having real trouble stopping the fonts getting blurred and I’ve followed the user guide on Fontsforflash.com word for word. Can anyone please help?
If you’ve followed all the instructions i cant see why you still have problems :-\
Make sure your font is set to the right size. Most common is 8 pixels
Make sure your text is on an absolute pixel. In flash it is possible to put objects on a decimal point location (ie x132.4 y73.8). In your info pannel it will tell you your text’s x and y location. If there is a decimal place remove it.
Also if your text is sitting inside another object like a movieclip or button, those objects must be located on whole x and y cordinates as well. If your text is on whole cordinates, but the movieclip containing isn’t then the text will still be blurry.
Best to start form the outer most object and work your way in.
… or use larger text…
::I’ll leave now::
LOL, I knew Rev would show up sooner or later. He’s the Font Avenger.
thanks guys