
I’m so annoyed - back at Easter Placebo had to cancel a gig that I had tickets for as thir guitarist had injured his hand. They were supposed to re-schedule it, but have apparently decided not to.

Grrr… :angry:

**** them and their non-gig-rescheduling ways.

Injured his back… jesus, what a nancy boy…

Hehehe :bad:

Good link Pierce. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry. It was cheap of me. Too easy to reference a greatest hit.
BTW, I have absolutely nothing against Nancy boys. :slight_smile:

Well I thought it was funny. :slight_smile: I’m trying to think of one myself now, but the only song that’s coming to my mind is Peeping Tom (I was listening to Black Market Music yesterday :stuck_out_tongue: )…

no respect for the fans, that’s what it is.
Dammit Placebo, you don’t care about us…

I’m just so out of it this morning. Another good line there. :slight_smile:

But I’m still annoyed that I won’t get to see them again for a while. :angry: Hah, I’ll just have to go and see someone else!

*Kitiara threatened placebo *
** :angry: Hah, I’ll just have to go and see someone else! **

oooh, i bet Placebo are simply QUAKING in their boots now :smirk:

why so out of it? methinks you skipped breakfast this morning or something, a nice bowl of Special K sets you up for the day.

I’m out of it because I was up very late talking most of the weekend to a friend. But then, that’s just my taste in men. :slight_smile:

[SIZE=1]Got one![/SIZE] :beam:

I don’t eat special K.
I don’t wear much red, my furniture isn’t all white, and I don’t live beside the beach.
It just doesn’t seem right somehow.

A Kit in need’s a Kit indeed
A Kit with weed is better
A Kit with breasts and all the rest
A Kit who’s dressed in leather

Kitin need’s a friend indeed
A Kit who’ll tease is better
Our thoughts compressed which makes us blessed
And makes for stormy weather

A Kit in need’s a friend indeed
Her Actionscript is better
And when she’s pressed she will undress
And then she’s boxing clever

[size=1]sorry, i wanted to join in but couldn’t think of anything clever[/size]

You’re right, you couldn’t think of anything clever. :slight_smile:

Hehe. :stuck_out_tongue: Very good… :sure:

*Originally posted by Pierce Gleeson *
**You’re right, you couldn’t think of anything clever. :slight_smile: **

well, at least i was honest :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Pierce Gleeson
You’re right, you couldn’t think of anything clever.

ooh, I’d mind what you’re saying, I heard orangey’s built like a Brick Sh*thouse, you could end up with a Bruise Pristine{okay, so that was a bit weak}

heh, thanks legoman! im not that big built, but i can get very scary when im angry

:angry: hulk smash

good job i know Pierce meant it jokingly :wink:

:wink: no prob. I was just seizing the opportunity to squeeze two placebo-puns in.

speaking of which I gotta run or I’ll be late to meet my lady (of the flowers).

okay, I’m done

I mean it…

the bitter end…