Play the swf files

hello everyone… my name is azhar…
i just want to ask if anyone could solve my problems…

i’m a new guy in flash environment and i have already created the flash presentation… but the size of the presentation seems to big and taking a lot of times to uploads…

so, the thing is… i has researched about the problems and the answer is breaking it into multiple movie to make it fast and easy for user to views it without waiting a lot of time on preloadings. But, how to make it break on parts since i have already created the whole presentation on just one swf. Is This it means that i have to remake the presentation into different swf files or there is software that could break the single presentation in parts…??

please… and please help me

It all depends on how you have your file set up. If there are a lot of different movieclips that load as “main” files, you can have them load in as separate files. It really depends on how you have things set up now.

thanks adam14 for replying my messsage…

err… how to setup…?? since this is a single swf…
from start presentation untill to the end are made in one file…

so you suggest that i have to make them seperate in fla file than publish it …
and than can be stream from one file to another…

i’m a correct…??

What are the parts of your website?

Simple stuff like your contact info (if it is just like a few lines with your name, email, phone, etc.) you might just as well keep in your main file because making that into a separate .swf to load into your main .swf would not really alter your load time.

If, however, you have like video clips that get launched when a button is clicked that you probably would want to put into its own .swf.

Or if you have a page of photos you might want to put those into its own .swf to be loaded into the main .swf.

Photos, slideshows, video are all types of elements that take time to load. Breaking them into their own separate .swf pages would reduce the load time of the main .swf.

I don’t think there is any software that would do this for you. You would just have to do it.

[QUOTE=azfused;2341954]hello everyone… my name is azhar…
i just want to ask if anyone could solve my problems…

i’m a new guy in flash environment and i have already created the flash presentation… but the size of the presentation seems to big and taking a lot of times to uploads…

so, the thing is… i has researched about the problems and the answer is breaking it into multiple movie to make it fast and easy for user to views it without waiting a lot of time on preloadings. But, how to make it break on parts since i have already created the whole presentation on just one swf. Is This it means that i have to remake the presentation into different swf files or there is software that could break the single presentation in parts…??

please… and please help me[/QUOTE]