Please have a look

This is a site that I have created for work. It is a pay site but I have added a username and pass for the Kirupa form - but it only has 10 hits. If someone could please log on and check it out and tell me what you think that would be great.

It’s a corporate site about copiers and how to buy them - it sounds crappy but please, let me know what you think. And be sure to look at the Free Tour and the Member side.

Any adivce would be great! Thanks :slight_smile:
username: Kirupa
password: testdemo

*please note it’s case sensitive…

Good job! =) :A+:

Thanks man :slight_smile:

I think this is excellent, great job!

There’s only a couple of little things that bothered me.

  1. the constant flash of the buttons on mouseover is unnecessary
    and distracting. Once or twice should do it.

  2. the timing on the transitions isn’t quick enough to get to the
    content. I’d like to see the whole thing appear bam-bam-bam and
    I’m moving on with my shopping. Instead I was waiting for it to
    flash up and present.

  3. a couple of your images in the top left corner are pretty
    pixellated. You’re probably gonna have to increase their quality.

I know this is a bit picky, but it’s what I see. It really is a fantastic
job, but we all need pointers here and there. :wink:


Wow dude - thanks for the great comments… That’s what I really wanted to hear, constructive critisim.

As for the pictures being pixelated, I know. But they were getting pretty big simes, I am going to have to look into it.

The transitions - I have sped most of them up but I did go a little “white flash happy” with that stuff :slight_smile:

The mouse-overs… they are staying, for now anyway. I dont feel like changing those :slight_smile: hahahhaa

But again - thank you for your kind words and your great ideas.

Yeah, good job and funny URL. :wink:
I’ll back UNFLUX for the comments.

Kajinku - I didnt get to pick the url - I just had to make the site :slight_smile:

anyone else??

Yeah, I know… or I didn’t… but I supposed… anyway, nice job! :slight_smile: