I know there’s one issue I’m tackling soon: most submenus go downward, so as the user moves the cursor down without paying attention, s/he runs into the Main Menu, which pops up and covers the submenu until rollOut. Things like that.
And anything that would help the design or enjoyment factor, please let me know.
I’ve always like simplicity and with your site, you’ve managed to keep it simple, but it could still use some work.
First off, the text on your splash page is a bit large, something about 10-12 pt is fine, there’s no need for something large and bold.
Also work on your color scheme, as of right now it’s not really solid and seems a bit dull.
Also change it up a bit on your buttons, using regular large font sized text doesn’t look too clean. You might want to create a rollOver effect for the nav buttons as well.
As for your layout, it’s really light colored so it blends right into the white background not really defining where your layout is so it creates a lot of empty negative space.
Overall it’s a good start though, good luck with the rest. =)
i really like the page…the navigation is simple and effective
I know there probably isn’t an easy way to do this, but would it be possible to set the alpha of the “map” part of the menu to 100%? It look strange on the “home” page when the menu pops up and you can read the text behind it.
is there any reason that you made the movie 812 pixels in width? if you make it like 775 or so, the horizontal scroll bar won’t pop up in 800x600
other than those two things, i can’t find much else wrong with it…i really love how your photogallery is setup.
everyone’s pretty much said everything that needs tweaking - but I would say you should add a small preloader to each section (especially the photo one)