I actually put this up for critique a while ago but I got busy and haven’t finished it off yet so I wanted to put the newer version I’ve been working on up for critique.
I think it’s pretty cool. It’s a pretty standard flash portfolio. I am happy for you that you have so many clients. Them being music artists must be really cool :D.
To be honest about it though, there’s not much special about it. It doesn’t make me want to open up flash and see if I can do what you did. I’m not sure what you could do to make it have more of a unique touch. Maybe come up with some ideas using things you’ve never/rarely seen used. If you can’t think of anything original, think of something that you don’t see often and expand upon it.
[quote=ajcates;2328004]On the about page I wait to long for all the transitions, then the text just appears. When it appears it makes it feel out of place.
Alot of the spacing is not consistent. I think the transitions could happen a little faster as well.[/quote]
yeah some of the transitions still need to be cleaned up and fixed.
Which spacing are you talking about? could point the spacing errors out?
[quote=RonH;2328007]I think it’s pretty cool. It’s a pretty standard flash portfolio. I am happy for you that you have so many clients. Them being music artists must be really cool :D.
To be honest about it though, there’s not much special about it. It doesn’t make me want to open up flash and see if I can do what you did. I’m not sure what you could do to make it have more of a unique touch. Maybe come up with some ideas using things you’ve never/rarely seen used. If you can’t think of anything original, think of something that you don’t see often and expand upon it.[/quote]
Yeah to be honest, I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel with my portfolio. I just needed to build one cause my old one was terrible and I had to take it down, so I really needed to build a new one cause it was making me lose potential work. So just wanted to build something simple with some nice motion that just worked and that let me get my work online.
So now that I have a decent portfolio I can now work on doing a bigger better portfolio in the future. If anything, I just had to get a portfolio made and up online.
I agree with RonH. One thing did stick out to me and make me open this link a few times though. Let me try and explain it.
When you click on “About,” three lines appear in succession: one at the top left, one at the top right, and then one at the bottom left. Then the top left line opens into a box that tweens down. What happens when it tweens all the way down, is that the split second that it reaches the bottom of it’s journey, the bottom left line begins to open up. This makes for a very smooth opening all the way through both of these boxes. It is very simple, but the effect stood out to me above all transitions. This is maybe something to toy with for the rest of the site, which tends to use some transitions that are pretty common.
In addition, you should do something more with the links. They really need to explode when you mouse over them. They just don’t make me want to click on them.
[]The white stroke bordering the site might be nicer if it matched the body font color.
[]I think Futura or Myriad Pro would be a better choice for the navigation font, at about 3/4 the current size.
(current font looks like Helvetica, and a little dated.)
[]Body(text) style looks nice; readable and balanced.
[]right justify the authors in the testimonials, and possibly use [FONT=“Times New Roman”]serif italics[/FONT] for the quoted text.
[]Mouse over is too gradual and subtle, and seems “backward”; I’d make white the mouse over color and use the body text color for the normal state.
Color and rollover effects for “web design” “graphics” and “motion” seem just about perfect.
[]Page-out transitions would be nice.
[*]Flash coding seems to be functioning perfectly. Nice work.