Please review

simple site with loaded movies for text and separate loaded movies for pictures please review and comment - thanks


aw crap… I was feeling pretty good about my site until I saw yours. I really like it.

Personally, I hate it when I can highlight text in flash. My mouse changes for no reason whatsoever. Many of your textboxes have highlighting enabled, and maybe you should take that out.

And also, maybe your site could use a less freaky-sounding loop.

some people actually prefer to be able to save text out of flash as
you would/could in an html site. So, I don’t think that’s such a
bad thing. It’s not generally done, you’re right tho. Just
something we as designers may want to get used to. One of my
next projects has stressed that the text be able to be selected,
so I don’t think this is going to necessarily go away.

And if futurefront has no idea about selectable or not, then my
ramble is pointless. :wink:

On to the site…

I love the little opening animation and the colors are excellent!
They’re very refreshing and all match very well.

Are you using a screen res detector? because teh movie is very
large and I HAVE to have it at maximize to see it properly.

The text size of the navigation seems very small to me given the
proportion and size of the rest of the site. Maybe try using a
slightly larger one.

Just a few suggestions…good luck with it. =)

text is unselectable now… i made the text 10pt now and selected ‘static’ and ‘sans’ somehow i am still getting the crispy (html) looking text

i like that. yeh the sound loop is kinda spooky… i might work in another :slight_smile:

thanks again to all

yes very nice site… you pulled off blue and green together heehe :chinaman:

i have to agree with unflux on it being pretty larg, might want to slim it down, people with 800 x 600 will have to scroll left and right… a nd that is a pain, (i had same problem with tek labs) but very nice site

nice… i like it. The colours are great. Love the font. by the way what is it called. and i love the photos very nice.

I like it too, good thing you kept the telephone number selectable :slight_smile: Didin’t find anything incorrect :beam:

Wow excellent site - I love it :love:
You do need to do something with the fs commands or something though as unflux mentioned…
Very nice design.

once i have everything locked down ill build a toggle for smaller screens :slight_smile:

i did the large size based on the site stuff (those guys design extra large!) … though i should see what their sites look like under 800x600

thank you for all the kind comments… ill keep working on it and build a smaller version when im done


  • The flash is done very well.
  • The background doesn’t match

What do you mean by “the background doesn’t match”? Color? cuz the color looks good to me…maybe those little plus sign things…is that what you are talking about?

great job mang

yeah thats a really nice site, like the colour scheme. The layout is clean and uncluttered and the navigation is simple and easy to use. Maybe a little uninspired but very effective

yes, i really like this. Especially the little animation on rollover.
possibly the best thing is it doesn’t try to say too much (i.e. content is clear and concise) and with this in mind I will look forward to seeing how the extra content will be added in.
Would agree about the 1024x768 probably being too large, but as I well know ppl with big monitors like big pages.

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**aw crap… I was feeling pretty good about my site until I saw yours. I really like it.

Personally, I hate it when I can highlight text in flash. My mouse changes for no reason whatsoever. Many of your textboxes have highlighting enabled, and maybe you should take that out.

And also, maybe your site could use a less freaky-sounding loop. **
I like that sound loop!:slight_smile:

Personally, I hate it when I can highlight text in flash.

on lavaland look at portfolios’ side-text…