Portfolio Site.....Feedback please

Please, I would like to know if I can get any feedback over my site, this is my first site, my own portfolio site…hoping to get a permanent job by the end of the year…So, I will appreciate your help…Thanks…! :thumb:


nice site it flows well, the only thing i would say is that you need a preloader, i have ADSL and i was looking at white screen for ages i nearly gave up waiting…

  1. you need to revise your POP UP CODE so it opens central to the screen not in the bottom right hand corner.

great work…

Thanks urbanjackal…!
Well, I did not know that it was taking forever…Here, in school, runs pretty fast…So, I will check what really is the problem…Since the main file does not have too much to load too…
I don’t understand why takes so long…

But thanks for check it and the feedback…!

I didnt even see the site. Adding a preloader to the site would make a big difference, but for the time I’ve been there I realize this, your site pops-up a big pop up window in my corner, maybe in the center would be nicer. then again a lot of people have pop-up killers so they will not be able to see ur site. Fix the loader and I will comment on it!


Very strong typography skills, often times typography can make or break graphic design. Looks great. Nice 3dmax animations. The pdf resume is impressive, not only in the education and experience, but the typography of the resume. The typographic elements are nothing new as far as design is concerned, but look great. An excellent way to show that you understand design trends. Showing real talent.

You should seriously consider setting the site up for users with the resolution at 800 x 600. Most people have their computer set at that resolution. As a designer, 800x600 is not ideal, but when you’re designing for the web you almost have to shoot for good design at that resolution. No one is going to change their screen resolution to view your site. My computer is currently set at 800x600, I couldn’t read the text. This is something I can’t stress enough.

Otherwise, great job. One of the better sites I’ve seen posted in a long time. Good luck with your career.


Thanks guys…! Great points of view…I will find some time in the near future to fix all the problems…
Mr. Mass…I will let you know when I updated the site…Thanks for trying and spend some time on it…
Vaguemedia…Thanks for all your energy and support too. It is great to meet positive people…Thanks…!