Like I´ve said before, I can´t get my script to work.
I´m new to functions, class, contructors and stuff like that. I kinda of understand but I don´t master that, so if you leave one single mistake (in my case a lot) it will not work.
If you can pass me some pointers or tutorials on that subject I´ll owe you a big one.
I think you didn´t consider that if the your script will only work if the movemnt of the mouse is for the positive side of the axis… It would be nice if it works on both sides, positive and negative.
on the zero clip? It works the same if I remove it.
You put the exact same script in all the following clips. Perfect opportunity to use a function. Remember it’s a tutorial and you have to show good coding practices
By the way, the code will be much more easy to write if you name your menu items item1, item2… and not one, two, three…
Feel free to change whatever you like in my tuts or .FLAs, it is obvious to me that you have an enourmous experience in that suff, and I don´t. Perhaps in time I get there.
You´re right about that piece of code, it is useless. (-:
But about that function thing I think you´re wrong (I think), the codes are not the same for all of them. The x and y position targets change to every one of them. But your tips are good never the less.
I have to say that I´m learning a great deal here with you guys.
It is you (and others like LostInBeta) that not only have the knolege, but also have the will and wisdom to teach those that are humble and smart to learn (like me=) )
another PS7 tut on scan lines. Pom this is 2, i got a third coming soon when i find time, and someone else, i forgot who, is writing one right now. so learn PS7! :evil:
ill start working on the tutorials now, but, which one should i start with? and if it was the TextFile Updater, will u provide a me a php enabled folder when i post the files? :-\
Yeah, the forums do support PHP, the main server doesn’t. Pom, if you want, you can send me the PHP tutorial you wrote a year ago. I’ll try to see if placing it on the forum server will work well
no prob. its a good tut! i might make anoter, they dont take long at all! well i am going to read this bood on Advanced PHP for Flash. i dont know PHP so this should be interesting, i lost my stupid PHP book. its a 500 pg book, how do you loose something that big?
I don’t know how you could lose it, but you did…LOL.
Thanks for the good tut compliment. I am going to work on another one tonight.
The longest part about them is getting screenshots of each step and the settings and such, but I have so many screenshots because I don’t want a billion people coming on the forum like “How do I make a layer?, I followed this tutorial and it told me to use the paint brush tool…what is the paint brush tool?, and, How do I name a layer?”
I think I covered every aspect in screenshots and descriptions…lol. I didn’t get a screenshot of the paintbrush tool because I had already closed photoshop when I realized it, and my comp was low on RAM, so I just said to myself “ya know what, if they don’t know what the paint brush tool is, they shouldn’t be doing the tutorial”…lol.