Would you like to see these as tutorials?

Hola! Well I was going to make a tutorial a looong time ago on how to do this effect:

<embed src=“http://www.livetoskateboard.com/curious/dupTrailer.swf” height=200 width=350 menu=false></embed>

And now that winter break is coming up, I might have some extra time to do it. Also I recently made that shoutbox/guestbook in Flash <a href=“http://www.livetoskateboard.com/shoutbox/newPHP/shout.html” target="_blank">Click Here</a>, and I thought that I might make a tutorial for that for Kirupa.

I realize there are lots of tutorials for both of these things all over the net, but there aren’t any on Kirupa’s site, and since this is the best site ever I thought that he should have them hosted on his site. But I wanted to see if everyone thought that they would be a good idea… What do you think?


Hey Jubba!
Go for it! The idea seems really interesting, and you are a good tutorial writer…can’t wait to see how it looks in the end =)

Kirupa :cyclops:

go for it big J!

Of course we do! I know how to make that thing but the tute is still needed

The first effect was already made by a user. :sigh:

A tutorial for the first one? I know earlier in the year I posted about the same thing:


I just never got around to making it. If there is already one on the site then it saves me some time lol

hmh… gotta start thinking about what tutes I’m gonna make after I finsish my homepage… should be done in about a week or so… at least!

I meant this one, Jubby:
Well, technically, it’s not a tute yet, and I don’t know what guig0’s up to [SIZE=1]pity, I love the patterson menu…[/SIZE], so I guess you can go ahead.

go form it, I made a guestbook in flash (php & mysql)
But i’m not so good at it, it will be good to see you’re disign

I say go for it too.

I am really interested in your guestbook one :slight_smile:

Well if Guig0 has got the first one coming, then I’ll concentrate on the guestbook. It will probably a pretty long tutorial and I probaly won’t be finished until next weekend…I’ll have it up eventually…

I was without the time to finish the tut, but now I´ve done a new improved patterson (not finished yet) menu based on some tips from Ilyas. But if you like, we could exchange flas and tips to come up with a better tut for kirupa.com. We can make a partnership for this tut, what ya think?:slight_smile:

Take a look at hti swf to see what I´m talking about.


[EDIT]right click->save as to view the swf[/EDIT]

Yeah, I definitely love that menu guig0 :slight_smile: I want to see a tut on that :beam:

I´m sure that if Jubba is willing, we can do a heck of a tut. His scripting/explaining abilities will optimize and probably improve this tut:)

hope he agrees:smirk:

sure. I’ll upload my FLA when I get a chance. If you want you can send yours to me via e-mail jubba@livetoskateboard.com

I’d like to see your code. Mine is pretty basic AS, you can see my code in the link that I provided in my second or third post in the thread…basically the same effect just different look.

better yet, i found a (dutch) tutorial on how to make a guestbook.
It’s php and mysql.
I have tested it today, and it works fine.

here’s an exampel i made fast…
click here tu view (can be slow, is on lycos)
The onely problem is when you go above the number of posts , the next button still counds.
(if needed, i can translate, with permission of the true owner, perhaps even put it on tutorials.

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**sure. I’ll upload my FLA when I get a chance. If you want you can send yours to me via e-mail jubba@livetoskateboard.com

I’d like to see your code. Mine is pretty basic AS, you can see my code in the link that I provided in my second or third post in the thread…basically the same effect just different look. **


I´ll post my fla tomorrow. The AS is not so basic, but I´m sure you´ll get it and hopefully clean it out:P That way we can make a tut in colaboration if you will.

Thanks man=)

Tutes in collaboration… Now this is cool. (-: Good luck guys.

Thanks Ilyas:)

Jubba: I can send you the fla by email, but I think maybe others wanna see this too, so, I´m posting it here.


[COLOR=darkgrey]// to all: Plz, take in consideration tha this fla is still in production. You´ll find many errors and cheats. Any suggestion will be hightly apreciated.[/COLOR]

Heres mine

But I’m using Flash MX script so if you aren’t using FLASH mx then you won’t be able to see the file. Let me know and I can change it to Flash 5 syntax…