Please help me make a preloader!?! I’ve tried just about every tutorial, but nothing works. The main animation is 1 frame long and has three layers/ how do i make a preloader?
Please Help
Please help me make a preloader!?! I’ve tried just about every tutorial, but nothing works. The main animation is 1 frame long and has three layers/ how do i make a preloader?
Please Help
What is the problem you are having? There is a tutorial in this website for all kinds of preloaders.
Yeah, none of them work!
what do you mean none of them work? If you are testing in Flash you have to press CNTRL+ENTER twice in order to see the streaming preloader. You also have to move the content to the 3rd frame and put the preloader on the 1 and 2nd frame… follow the tutorials. They work, you just aren’t doing them right.
ok, i’ll have another go
But i did try them
I’m sure you did, but those tutorials work. They wouldn’t be posted if they didn’t. Go step by step and read carefully.
Ok, thanks
mayb this mite help:
have your preloader sequence at the begining of the movie
at the last frame of the preloader at the action:
then on frame 1 ov the preloader add the followin action
ifFrameLoaded (“Scene #”, ####) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene #”, ##);
this shud help
The ifFrameLoaded is when u want the preloader to play 2 4 the rest of the movie plays
The gotoAndPlay is the first scene of the actual movie
hi jubba
need your help m8
i have done my preloader and here are the problems im faced with
preloader bar does not go all the way to edge of my loadbar boarder when it reaches 100 %
my preloader does not work or display when i publish the movie
thx for the help i appreciate your help
th alot peace out:goatee:
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