Pricing Question

honestly i bust my *** to make $850, i just think this whole thread is obserd

Best thing to do is take the money. As take on what people have said about the professionalism thing. Take a look at the pixel people thread of something like Habbo Hotel. Very kiddie but very well done

Ok here is my honest opinion, better get your glasses on, get a cup of joe and **** the hell down and read…

The site looks a little to kid made, people like professional good looking sharp, clean, graphical intensive web sites so that they look good and show the user they are technically savvy. Little does the non-geek user know that it is a purchased template…but yeah, were all just blowing steam up each others butts with fancy sites and graphics (pardon my ruff figure of speak).

The template you made is not very ‘professional’ looking nor graphically correct. The site’s color scheme is a little to…um, party like/kid designed. Maybe use less colors, you should stick with like a 2-3 set color scheme. I think you need a good background tile if your going to make a black background, just so it pads the intensive blow to the other colors. Blue…blue is always a good color scheme for black if you are going to use a black background. IMO

For around $30 dollars a user can buy a very nice template. I have seen a couple templates I couldn’t even make that only sell for around $30 dollars and no that wasn’t a skills blow to myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bottom line, at the end of the day the user would rather buy a more professional looking, better color schemed more technically advanced template for $30 dollars rather then from you for $850, I’m sorry but you have to face up to the facts about that. The only site I would pay $850 dollars for is maybe like Pixel Rangers and or Electrongeek’s. lol

Maybe you should check into learning color schemes and or graphics, I know Fireworks is not a very intensive graphics program but you can make a nice logo with it at least. Personally I would use Photoshop to make the site. :slight_smile:

Electrongeek, your not to harsh, we don’t post hard comments to hurt others feelings or make them feel small in some way or another. We post the negatives, the down sides so that the user can get a perspective of what people really think about their web sites. If we all just said nice, good job, A+ comments, in other words, lying through our teeth, noone would get feedback nor would they improve their site to the user’s input towards his/her’s site. Basically the poster/site design would just be posting to get a lot of great jobs from people with better things to do then to complement a bad design.

So if anyone here thinks Electrongeek or anyone else with a “harsh” comment is trying to put them down or disgrace their hard work, they are sadly mistaken, we help not hurt. :p:

Good luck with the renovation of your web site spazzblaster, I hope some of our “harsh” comments not only made you cry but opened your eyes to new design aspects.

The Site Check Meany,

well said

i rethought the whole pricing scheme, and i think that spazz should be componsated with a lifetime supply of growing ash snakes, and those crusty smoke bombs that you buy at the grocery store.

dude, congratulations spazz!
you’re one hellova salesman if milked 850 bucks out of those suckers!
dude, can u like, hook me up with them? ive got some million dollar business cards i think would really interst them.

sorry man, were all being *****holes, but after some of your comments you may have desrved it…

lets all chill out, its just flash design. there are far more important things in life, like ****ography. or at least thats my immature thake on it.

hope this little incident doesnt smash your website design dreams or chase you away from kirupa forever.


Look what I started! I didn’t know picking on ElectronGeek was like spitting at God.

I just got home from my job, (not a web design job, you’ll be glad to hear) and found my post had caused a fury of righteous anger.
I immediatly began to cry and blubber as I fell into a heap on the floor wailing in agony from the stinging insults and then I think I peed myself…just a little bit though…you know, just enough to make a spot on my underware. But then I found my binky and my teddy bear and everything just seemed better somehow.

So anyway, I quess I’ll consider myself lucky that my client thinks my website is worth $850 dollars and take it!

If anyone will humor me though, I actually would like to know who some of you guys make websites for and how much you charge. While I realize that my site looks as though it was made by a mongoloid three year old, this would help me get an idea of what to charge for different types/qualities of sites.

Sorry for all the controversy!

Thanks to everyone who responded!

*Originally posted by spazzblaster *

Look what I started! I didn’t know picking on ElectronGeek was like spitting at God.

I just got home from my job, (not a web design job, you’ll be glad to hear) and found my post had caused a fury of righteous anger.
I immediatly began to cry and blubber as I fell into a heap on the floor wailing in agony from the stinging insults and then I think I peed myself…just a little bit though…you know, just enough to make a spot on my underware. But then I found my binky and my teddy bear and everything just seemed better somehow.

So anyway, I quess I’ll consider myself lucky that my client thinks my website is worth $850 dollars and take it!

If anyone will humor me though, I actually would like to know who some of you guys make websites for and how much you charge. While I realize that my site looks as though it was made by a mongoloid three year old, this would help me get an idea of what to charge for different types/qualities of sites.

Sorry for all the controversy!

Thanks to everyone who responded!
spazzblaster **

Don’t Give me that I was crying bull, pick on my buddy Electrongeek and you get the rap from me. :scream:

And yes picking on any of the Kirupa members will end in a not pleasant conversation and you will be hated by many kind, outgoing people and noone wants that. It’s not just if you pick on Electrongeek it’s if you pick on any of us. “You mess with one of us you messed with all of us”.

Listen I know you weren’t trying to be to mean to Electrongeek but it’s just how it came out, considering he made some harsh comment too but I covered that in my above post.

If your “client” thinks it’s worth $850 dollars it’s either your mom and dad or a blind man. :stuck_out_tongue:
Yes if your client really does think it is worth I would take it in a New York minute and get out of there as fast as humanly possible.

The most I have ever made on a web site is $200 for one template page, the guy knew enough HTML to code the rest so he just bought one template. :frowning: And hey, I think I can say I’m not all that bad at page layout, graphical interfaces and just making an all around nicely done site, but I’m not going to pat myself on the back to much because I’m not THAT good but I get a nice little page going.

I just wanted to get that straight with you,
-Multimedia in Motion, datapimp

The most I ever made on any project is a pat on the back. How I’m able to pay my bills, I have no idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

Us newbies don’t make that much money. :stuck_out_tongue: I better get back to work so I can earn the newbie money.

EG what are you talking about?

If your a newbie I am still in the woom. :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. I’ll pat you on your back until you burp for a web site. lol I would though,

*Originally posted by datapimp *
**If your “client” thinks it’s worth $850 dollars it’s either your mom and dad or a blind man. **

Well both my parents are dead and unless my client (no quotes) recently gouged out his eyes, he’s not blind. And although I’m sure none of you will believe me, I just talked to him on the phone and we agreed on $850 for the site with all content added and he said he would pay me a hourly rate for any future updates needed when new stock is added.

It is funny the contrast between his reaction to the site and most of yours. He’s viewed probably most every fireworks site he could find on the web, since they are his competition, so if he likes it better than any of thiers, which he said he did, than I quess either he has really bad taste or most all of the fireworks sites on the web are even crappier than mine.

Either way it works out for me! And I’ll probably get a pat on the back as well!


Alright, no more flaming, everyone let’s be happy for spazz and stop this nonsence.

'Joe, there are no sub-pages connected to these buttons yet!'

The site is functional and works. Sale it and move on.

Ok first things first. Spazz kudos for finding a client I think its been established that general opinion is that that ever so slightly over the market price for the site but “Smoke em’ if you got em”.

Leads to the question would everyone rather have clients that know what they are talking about or ones that have alot of cash and are coming to the end of their financial period and have under spent

*Originally posted by slayerment *
‘Joe, there are no sub-pages connected to these buttons yet!’

Ya, that one’s great, I tell it at parties all the time and it always gets them laughing!

Now stop responding to this post or I’ll have to create another equally annoying one.
