Pricing, and site check please =)


I dont really know what to charge for flash websites, but i have made this partial site for a client, which i already showed the layout to and he says he really loves it.
I will add more animation for each indiviual page, 4 total… might be more if he asks
but anyways, what should i charge for a site like this, only took me to get here maybe 5-6 hours + more for the rest of the site

Also, could you guys give me some tips to make it better?
Its for a DJ by the name of FelixDaCat… I dont really have any DJ type look to it, i was hoping to put that on the individual pages, but im not sure wat to put yet, does anyone know of anything that would be good for a DJ’s page to put on this main layout?
well thanks everyone for ur time and input :}
heres the site…

Well the site might not be much now, but I think it has a lot of potential. The first thing that came to mind when I entered your site was bacardi. To get some ideas, you should check out some of their sites. Here’s 2 examples:

You’ll notice that they use a lot of bright vivid colors in conjunction with dark and light backgrounds to make certain things stand out more.

The color scheme you have now makes everything blend together so it’s just one block of red which isn’t too appealing. Try using different colors so that certain things pop out more.

As for pricing, I would charge atleast $1000 or maybe even more for this project. Good luck with it. =)

thanx electrongeek for you comments, hopefully this site turns out really good so i can charge that much =P

  • Solo

Just one more comment although maybe that was because of the temporary version; I would loose the comic sans if I were you… DJ sites are mostly pretty tight and besides that, that font hsa been overdone since 1994 :stuck_out_tongue: