I posted this up before to be checked out, but I have another question. I’m not real familar with what is typically charged for building websites and I need to quote a price.
Could anyone give me some idea of what should be charged for a site.
A lot of content has to be added to the site to complete the catalog section.
And I gotta say, I don’t know who you guys are building websites for, but I was already offered $850 for it, but I felt the amount of content that has to be added might mean I should charge more. And after doing some pricing elsewhere, this seems to be about the right price.
As for the site being “kiddie”, electrongeek, it’s a fireworks - it’s supposed to be fun and flashy, not every site has to look like it’s a control panel from a spaceship, which seems to be the look of choice for newbies who just graduated from graphic design school. But your comment doesn’t really mean all that much to me after I read several of your posts and realized that all of your posts are snotty, pretentious insults disquised as advice. I imagine when you lose your virginity, you’ll calm down. HA, HA, HA!
1.) at 850 dollars, you’re ripping them off BIG time
2.) ROTFLMFAO- u’re calling electrongeek a n00b? LMAO hahahahahahaha
3.) that is definitely not and I repeat not the way to talk to a mod (actually that’s not the way to talk to anyone who is helping you- or isn’t for that matter) if you want to continue to have posting priveledges, You’re **** lucky that isn’t Phil or you’d have been banned a half second after posting that.
I recommend that you edit your post to be a little more friendly before electrongeek sees it.
*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**1.) at 850 dollars, you’re ripping them off BIG time
I suppose its what they thinks its worth. If they have 850 and are willing to give you 850 for it then so be it. I suspect that to a few Kirupians it may be worh slightly less than that but c’est la vie as they say in Germany
Your right, I did ask for your opinion on pricing and I truely appreciate everyone’s input, even if I didn’t agree with the price they quoted. And I do mean that, thanks for taking the time to respond.
What I did not ask for however, was this;
*Originally posted by electrongeek * You must be kidding me, I wouldn’t even charge them if I made that site. I would just give it away for free.
If that’s not intentionally aggrivating, I don’t know what is. Just a price quote would have been fine.
Once again, thanks to anyone who took the time to look at it!
*Originally posted by spazzblaster *
**Well, thanks for all the input you guys.
And I gotta say, I don’t know who you guys are building websites for, but I was already offered $850 for it, but I felt the amount of content that has to be added might mean I should charge more. And after doing some pricing elsewhere, this seems to be about the right price.
As for the site being “kiddie”, electrongeek, it’s a fireworks - it’s supposed to be fun and flashy, not every site has to look like it’s a control panel from a spaceship, which seems to be the look of choice for newbies who just graduated from graphic design school. But your comment doesn’t really mean all that much to me after I read several of your posts and realized that all of your posts are snotty, pretentious insults disquised as advice. I imagine when you lose your virginity, you’ll calm down. HA, HA, HA!
Thanks for checking it out!
spazzblaster **
not only are you an idiot, your website sucks and i highly doubt someone offered you $850. electrongeek has helped me and a sick amount of people around here, go soemwhere else
spazzblaster, hahaha I know that the site is suppose to be fun looking since you’re trying to sell fireworks, but there are ways to make it more professional.
But since I’m a newbie, what do I know right? I’ll let the others decide if your site is worth $850.
BTW, I’m sorry if I made you cry, that wasn’t my intention. Please don’t get butt hurt each time someone makes a harsh comment around here. We’re not here to hand out compliments, just the truth. Aww man there I go again with my comments disquised as advice. Darn, oh well, have a nice day.
Yeah… Eg is a newb… Stupid NEWB… BAD NEWBIE BAD… Go back to Random where you belong EG…
Just Kidding my cute lil Geekie buddy of mine… Come give the big guy a hug…
I’ll have to agree with the others… But at the same time I would have sympathized with this person if he hadn’t of gone and acted like a moron then… Saying that his site isn’t worth anything is a pretty low comment to say EG and it really isn’t something you would wnat to here about a site that you might have made… Remember, some people take things a little differently at times…
But that’s just my random rant and rave section… Let the slamming begin :bad:
lol… That’s much better my cute lil geekie phriend…
Don’t take much of anything I say seriously in that remark… it’s just, every so often I have to show compassion so I don’t lose it and start killing people like him