Pricing Question

I posted this up before to be checked out, but I have another question. I’m not real familar with what is typically charged for building websites and I need to quote a price.
Could anyone give me some idea of what should be charged for a site.
A lot of content has to be added to the site to complete the catalog section.

The address is;

Thanks for any help!

how much time did you put into it?

i’d say about 50-75 bucks

(btw, did u make this in Flash or Swish?)

charge em $250 dollars…****it…hehehe

*Originally posted by odedvard *
**charge em $250 dollars…****it…hehehe **

You must be kidding me, I wouldn’t even charge them if I made that site. I would just give it away for free.

It’s too “kiddy” looking and yes it does have that Swish feel to it.

The most you could charge for something like this is $30-$50.

Hmm… Don’t undercharge yourself… yes it does have a kiddy feel to it… But if they like it… They will pay for it… at least $100… and I’m serious…

i was kidding electron…but spazz i say its worth a try just to see if they will pay it. maybe get some money and put it towards a Flash education.

Well, thanks for all the input you guys.

And I gotta say, I don’t know who you guys are building websites for, but I was already offered $850 for it, but I felt the amount of content that has to be added might mean I should charge more. And after doing some pricing elsewhere, this seems to be about the right price.

As for the site being “kiddie”, electrongeek, it’s a fireworks - it’s supposed to be fun and flashy, not every site has to look like it’s a control panel from a spaceship, which seems to be the look of choice for newbies who just graduated from graphic design school. But your comment doesn’t really mean all that much to me after I read several of your posts and realized that all of your posts are snotty, pretentious insults disquised as advice. I imagine when you lose your virginity, you’ll calm down. HA, HA, HA!

Thanks for checking it out!

A little harsh!

1.) at 850 dollars, you’re ripping them off BIG time
2.) ROTFLMFAO- u’re calling electrongeek a n00b? LMAO hahahahahahaha
3.) that is definitely not and I repeat not the way to talk to a mod (actually that’s not the way to talk to anyone who is helping you- or isn’t for that matter) if you want to continue to have posting priveledges, You’re **** lucky that isn’t Phil or you’d have been banned a half second after posting that.

I recommend that you edit your post to be a little more friendly before electrongeek sees it.

*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**1.) at 850 dollars, you’re ripping them off BIG time

I suppose its what they thinks its worth. If they have 850 and are willing to give you 850 for it then so be it. I suspect that to a few Kirupians it may be worh slightly less than that but c’est la vie as they say in Germany

yeah, if they’ll pay it, take it, but you asked our opinion, and mine is that that is more than what it’s worth.

Your right, I did ask for your opinion on pricing and I truely appreciate everyone’s input, even if I didn’t agree with the price they quoted. And I do mean that, thanks for taking the time to respond.

What I did not ask for however, was this;

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
You must be kidding me, I wouldn’t even charge them if I made that site. I would just give it away for free.

If that’s not intentionally aggrivating, I don’t know what is. Just a price quote would have been fine.

Once again, thanks to anyone who took the time to look at it!

Ahhh, politeness, the way the world should be.


man i wish i had clients that paid that much $$$… :puzzle:

I dont know how much more content your gonna add to it but if I was you I would just accept $850 before they change their mind :bad:

*Originally posted by spazzblaster *
**Well, thanks for all the input you guys.

And I gotta say, I don’t know who you guys are building websites for, but I was already offered $850 for it, but I felt the amount of content that has to be added might mean I should charge more. And after doing some pricing elsewhere, this seems to be about the right price.

As for the site being “kiddie”, electrongeek, it’s a fireworks - it’s supposed to be fun and flashy, not every site has to look like it’s a control panel from a spaceship, which seems to be the look of choice for newbies who just graduated from graphic design school. But your comment doesn’t really mean all that much to me after I read several of your posts and realized that all of your posts are snotty, pretentious insults disquised as advice. I imagine when you lose your virginity, you’ll calm down. HA, HA, HA!

Thanks for checking it out!
spazzblaster **

not only are you an idiot, your website sucks and i highly doubt someone offered you $850. electrongeek has helped me and a sick amount of people around here, go soemwhere else

You are very lucky to get the site for $850!! Accept it now!!

btw, electrongeek was pretty harsh on you, but you were the same to him so i would just say it is even !

spazzblaster, hahaha I know that the site is suppose to be fun looking since you’re trying to sell fireworks, but there are ways to make it more professional.

But since I’m a newbie, what do I know right? I’ll let the others decide if your site is worth $850. :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, I’m sorry if I made you cry, that wasn’t my intention. Please don’t get butt hurt each time someone makes a harsh comment around here. We’re not here to hand out compliments, just the truth. Aww man there I go again with my comments disquised as advice. Darn, oh well, have a nice day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to be rude (my cover up) but I think you should pay them to use that site. :stuck_out_tongue:

And if electrongeek says he would give it away it is **** bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry man but I just had to leave out the sugar coating on this one. :p:


But since I’m a newbie, what do I know right?
Tell me that was sarcasem. You are like my Flash hero. lol FAR a newbie.

Yeah… Eg is a newb… Stupid NEWB… BAD NEWBIE BAD… Go back to Random where you belong EG…

Just Kidding my cute lil Geekie buddy of mine… Come give the big guy a hug… :wink:


I’ll have to agree with the others… But at the same time I would have sympathized with this person if he hadn’t of gone and acted like a moron then… Saying that his site isn’t worth anything is a pretty low comment to say EG and it really isn’t something you would wnat to here about a site that you might have made… Remember, some people take things a little differently at times…

But that’s just my random rant and rave section… Let the slamming begin :bad: :smiley:

Well I’ll admit that I was a bit harsh, I don’t mean to be an a$S, sometimes I get carried away with my comments.

Who ever is paying $850 for it must be really loaded and use $100 dollar bills as toilet paper. Ok I better shut up now.

Congrats spazzblaster, good luck. =)

lol… That’s much better my cute lil geekie phriend…

Don’t take much of anything I say seriously in that remark… it’s just, every so often I have to show compassion so I don’t lose it and start killing people like him :smiley:
