Ok, first of all I know basically nothing about html, but I’m setting up a forum, and this is how it looks right now - excuse the colours:
The thing is, I want the picture centered above the rest of the stuff so that it all fits on the page nice. I want the links and stuff to the right of the picture now to be below the picture. I’ve been screwing around with stuff for over an hour now, and I can’t pinpoint where the code is that it keeping them on the same line…it’s driving me nuts. I believe it’s near the bottom, and has to do with a table or something - like I’ve said I know basically nothing about HTML. Any help would be great thanks.
//edit I had to upload it as a notebook file, there was too much text…I would have just uploaded the suspect code, but I wasn’t sure what was needed in there…sorry about the inconvenience. Thanks.