I can get only the first two pictures to show up. As i click through the gallery the First picture shows up and the second shows but the rest don’t seem to appear. There are 8 pics total and if i click the right amount i get back to the first pic but the rest don’t show up.
I noticed in the tutorial that the second picture doesnt’ appear as well. What is missing that causes some pictures not to appear.
I checked the registration point and it is fine so what else can be the problem. the only code i changed was the path(which works becaue 2 of the pics show up) and the amout of objects i nthe aray( iremovedthe last 2 so it wouldn’t error trying to find them). ANy ideas would be great.
YA see i’m can’t figured it out at all. Why show 2 pics and the rest not show. I checked the file names and still found nothing. I noticed the Tutorial example has the same problem. 2 of the pics in the example also do not show up.
If your jpgs were saved with progressive checked then it won’t load. Try opening them in photoshop and re-saving them, but make sure the progressive check box is unchecked this time. Hopefully that will work.