Problems with LoadMovie..!

Hello there,

Im trying to load external .swf to my main movie.
I have a button on the main movie with this code:

          on(release) {
	       _root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
	       loadMovie("", "container");
	       container._x = 150 ;
	       container._y = 20 ;

Well the external .swf has only a preloader that loads a mp3 that i have
on the server.
What is happening is after the button is pressed, the bar preloader appears
full, but it is loading the mp3, but then there´s no sound.

Here´s the code i´ve made in the external .swf:

intro = new Sound();
preloadNow = 1;
this.onLoad = function() {
	introLoading = 0;
	_root.loadBar._xscale = introLoading;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	introBytesTotal = _root.intro.getBytesTotal();
	introBytesLoaded = _root.intro.getBytesLoaded();
	if (preloadNow == 1 && introBytesLoaded>0) {
		introLoading = Math.round((introBytesLoaded/introBytesTotal)*100);
		_root.percentLoadedText = introLoading+"%";
		_root.loadBar._xscale = introLoading;
		if (introLoading == 100) {
			preloadNow = 0;

If i play this external .swf by itself, everything works just fine (only try local),
so anyone can help me with that?



hello again,

I can´t believe that no one can help me.;(

try new Sound(this);


Didn´t work!

And what is more strange is that the preloader appears FULL! and
i see on my cable activity , but then no sound.
So i have this problem with the preloader, and then no .mp3 sound.

I´ve test the external .swf by itself on my local disk and everything was ok.
Now since i´ve put it on my server…:q:

I was advise to put my preloader on every external .swf, but now
with this problem , maybe is better to try using the preloader on the main

Any help with this issues , will be very welcome!!


well thats my quick answer to all sound problems without reading through fully. When I have time Ill take a closer look :wink:

Hi lostinbeta,
Can you help me with this issue?


obvoiusly you have an addressing issue there…

introBytesTotal = _root.intro.getBytesTotal();
introBytesLoaded = _root.intro.getBytesLoaded();

those lines are wrong, the sound object is not in the _root but in the MovieClip. remove _root.

and probably these lines are wrong too…

_root.percentLoadedText = introLoading+"%";
_root.loadBar._xscale = introLoading;

If you are using loadMovie then the _root is no longer the _root. When you load the movie in, the _root timeline is now the _root of the main movie that you loaded into.

Therefore you can’t use _root or it will only work as a seperate file.

Either remove the _root or change it to “this” (like this.loadBar or this.percentLoadedText, etc, etc) and it should work.

PS: Please DO NOT PM me to look at your threads!!!

Do you spy on me Kax???

you tell me… who replied first? :beam: :stuck_out_tongue:


Originally posted by lostinbeta
PS: Please DO NOT PM me to look at your threads!!!

ditto :hair:


Stop PM’img people to look at your threads!

I have warned you before!

one more chance…


I got PMed too :sleep:

I´m sorry. :-\

I will stop sending PM , i just needed some help…

I’ve changed what you told me lostinbeta, but i keep getting the
same problem.

preloader appears with the bar allready full , and after the .mp3 download
there´s no sound.:frowning:

Once again
Im sorry

try removing the onLoad handler.

introLoading = 0;
_root.loadBar._xscale = introLoading;

and the sound doesn’t start because you forgot to start it once it’s fully loaded…

if (introLoading == 100) {
preloadNow = 0;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

well, it seems that i will have to find another way,
cos i still have the same problem , after i change the code like you told me…:-\

Thanks anyway kax

that sucks… attach your files so i can take a look at it. :wink:

Well , i can´t attach the files, cos
im using macintosh…

But if you want to see what is happening, make a flash movie where you
put a button , and on that button put this code:

   loadmovie ("");


thanks for your patience:)

Originally posted by kax
and probably these lines are wrong too…

_root.percentLoadedText = introLoading+"%";
_root.loadBar._xscale = introLoading;

remove _root from all your script. that should fix it. :slight_smile: