Boy, a lot has changed since flash 4.
Anyway, I am making a web site for a friend and I designed a simple menu. Rollvers on the menu text items, and then a short animation on click. So far i have been sticking to as2 because as3 needs more code and I am already having troubles.
So, the first thing i did was put it all in one scene and timeline, and try to write the command in for the button to start on a frame ahead of the the stop cues in the main menu. So i thought i could attach something to the button like:
on(press) {
and it works while i am in flash enabling simple button actions but when i do a test movie or scene, it doesn’t work at all.
so i looked for help on the web and there are so many ways ,it seems, to accomplish the same thing. I have tried using movie clips as buttons instead and i guess there is a way to make the animations into movie clips and then load them but so far I am kind of missing it still even after looking at some tutorials. I checked my publishing prefernces and i am using actionscript 2. The only other flash element on the website is a photo slideshow and i was able to m ake that easily enough. Somehow, just doing these button links to animations is confusing me. i would be gratful for any help and even pay someone a small amount (as i am not getting paid) to help e work out the bugs. don’t mind redoing the whole menu and I have tried to put the animation on the button over timeline in a different layer but so far nothing will publish correctly in “test scene”.
i am a musician and haven’t used flash since flash 4. The animation parts seem easy enough but the action script is what i think is getting me down.:cantlook: