Public Transport Inspectors

My housemate came home yesterday with a huge scratch on his face.

What happened is this: He got off the tram, and was being yelled at from a few metres away by a man wearing plain clothes and not showing a badge, so he kept walking. One of them chased and grabbed him, he kept walking, another one grabbed him, he kept walking. Soon there were 5 ordinarily dressed people throwing him up against the wall. When he was being shoved against the wall, THEN, someone asked to see his ticket. So he showed it (he always buys one) and got a fine anyway for resisting arrest.

All a bit police statey for me.

The biggest giveaway is that some are dressed TOO casually. By this I mean 50something year olds in baseball caps and jeans ironed down the front. Unusual for Melbourne. Unless yo’re a ticket inspector.

He intends to go to court but I dont like his chances…