I’m sorry this is old ground & covered a 1000 times before but 4 years into learning Flash I still don’t fully understand how I should be publishing a movie or to be more exact what settings to use.
In using MX2004
From what I can understand the standard approach seems to be :
Set the stage to the smallest size that a users monitor is likely to be set to 785 x400
Set “Publish Settings – Dimensions to “Match Movie.”
3.If users are using a higher resolution it’s either tough luck or you can make say 3 movies of different dimensions – test the browser for it’s res. & have the correct movie load in a runtime.
4.Fiddle about with the properties of the “Stage object” & use the “align” property to position elements correctly-ish in the browser regardless of publish settings.
Can anyone tell me if I’m wide of the mark in these assumptions & if so what is the correct way to set the movie size in publish settings