I’m sure the solution to this problem will leave me feeling like an idiot…but I just can’t figure it out…how do some of these sites have shapes tweening out of nowhere? I know the “basic” way is just to have a white background make the shape completely white…then shape tween it into whatever and it’ll give the illusion of appearing out of nowhere. But what about when you’re using a background and that’s not an option? Thanks in advance!
Make the shape tween inside of a movie clip and set an alpha setting to the movie clip.
Bingo, thanks.
Wait a minute, you lost me…lol…please explain it further telekinesis I’d appreciate it. Just break down the first couple of steps. I’m new to the movie clip thing.
- Make a movie clip and place it on a new layer above the layer that the background image is placed in.
- Double click the movie clip to edit it.
- Make your shape tween.
- Go back to the main timeline.
- Click once on the movie clip and in the property panel select the color pull down menu and choose the Alpha option and set it to something low, like 5-15%.
- Watch your alpha tween in the test movie view and mess with the value for a different effect.
Okay I got that much but is there something I have to do to make it play automatically? When I test movie nothing happens…but I made the movie clip, made the tween in the clip, and lowered the alpha…fine and dandy…but should it play automatically or what? Thanks man…you’re a big help I need you on my aim lol.
Up :).
What’s your AIM, maybe I’ll message you, too busy to post right now. . . .