Question about speed

sounds silly, but I’ve seen lots of sites that work with fading bars that speed over the screen, turn, return etc… all amazingly fast.

Is there some sort of trick to it. Do they use high framerates, do they use actionscript for this ?

example of a ‘speedy’ site:

i don’t think its action script, it’ll probably really hard if it was. i don’t really know actually :-\ but i’m definately sure that they use high framerates to do that stuff :slight_smile:

tried this, but I can’t imagine that sites like 2advanced run on framerates of 30 or higher…

They use high frame rates. 32 FPS is a good rate of speed to have. Anything higher may run slow on slower machines becuase they can’t process the information. I usually use 24-48 FPS depending on how smooth I need the animation to be…

Most sites you see now use a frame rate from 20 to 30, anything beyound 30 will only slow down your site if the viewer’s comp isn’t able to handle it.

And most of the movement is done with tweens i believe…

Do you mean Motion blur?

thanks about the info.

I was trying the motion blur tutorial, and I was speeding it up, but I didn’t get the same feel as some of the top-notch sites and I thought they’d prolly run at 15-24fps or so…

thanks for the help guys.