Question swf to image file

I know it’s possiible to take an image and make it a swf file, but when I was exporting out the swf it was able to read it… is it possible to take a swf shape and make it an image? I saved a screw up over my original… what gives…?
no love i guess.

import your swf into flash and and then export it out as an image

there are also utilities out there that alow you to extract resources from swf files is one of them

I’ve been working on this ■■■■ guitar image with Lost in Beta for a day now… trying to set it in a transition… thought I lost him… thanks.:beam:

I’m offically an idiot… All I had to do was take the shape I’d made and break it apart again… thanks for the software though

Which brings my next question… Couldn’t you just use the SWF exporter to view ANY sites code? I mean, I looked at the tool for two seconds, saw that it wouldn’t read my file and then discovered it tears swf files apart!!! How long until it can decode and convert into a fla file?

Makes this industry a little shaky if you ask me…

Welcome to freeware buddy

ssshhhhhh(don’t tell anyone!!!)

my skill set just improved exponentially…

but seriously, now you can take it apart… screw it up and figure out:

Oh, that’s how that’s done…

Well then you better share that with us…