Quick 3ds max model

I’ve had this idea for a while, and I finally decided to sit down and do it. Pretty quick in 3ds max, thank god for ink n’ paint :wink: :beam:

I’m thinking of putting it up on threadless. Anyways, what do you guys think?


Update. I like this one way better.

© me :wink:

ditto, it looks much better

the 2nd one is real nice :wink:

I like the second one as well… I dig the colours… :disco:

second one is great - i did one a while back, sucks compared to this though!

Thanks guys :slight_smile: Glad you like. Max is fun, but it’s an arse sometimes.

I’d like to see the second one in either lightblue/blue or white…

might look kewl… on a t-shirt :slight_smile:

How’s this? I think I need some better anti-aliasing. Or vector…

yeah this one seems really rough, but i kinda liket he orange more.

Yea, I kinda like the orange too. Maybe I’ll try it in white as well.

As to the anti-aliasing- Changed render engine to Brazil Rio, set samples to 2, and rendered with a Blackman filter instead of Mitchell-Netravalli. Looks a little better.

Those are really nice morse, great job

i dunno which i prefer orange or purple hummm…

great stuff though wish i could model :frowning: lol

goes back to trying

Haha this is simple stuff. I think the only tip I can give you though is practice.

my effort in 3ds max! :beam:

or this one…

The first one… Lots of work went into that arm it looks like. Crazy reflection on the right side though…

yeh the arm took a while…the second one took a morning to do, but its only a concept…

i really dig your vector images, how did you do them?

he used the ink 'n paint renderer for those (it is a renderer, right? I’ve never used it myself? :P)

Yeh he did. Wow Morse, after that change of renderer it looked a lot smoother :slight_smile: