Robot in progress (3D max)

I’ve been fiddling around with brazil lately and this is what I’ve got so far. Eventually it will be a four legged, armoured, mecha-bot type thing… but I’ve only got as far as the leg.

Brazil kicks arse over max’s scanline renderer. I don’t know why I haven’t used it before!.. oh yeah, my computer is crap and renders take forever!

niiiice =)

wow good work

looks really good ironkart :A+:

wow that really does look good. It looks so real to!. Keep up the good work.

wha that’s cool! Like the ones the proffessional-made ones! Can’t wait so to see the whole robot!

i wonder if you could make that animated, that would be really cool. :slight_smile:

So far so good, finish the rest of it and slap on some textures and post it back up. Get to work!! :stuck_out_tongue:

how much was brazi;? i only hear good things. looksgreatr!

this version of brazil is free (public test version). I think it goes for 60 days then expires… but I’m not sure on that. The site is splutterfish. I think they’ve temporarily stopped giving out the test version at the moment though.

I could animate this, but my skills with animation are fairly limited and the final animation would take several hours to render for a few seconds animation… I wish I had that kind of time or a faster PC to render it on!

Here is an updated version on the work I’ve done so far. It’s coming together slowly, but I’m having a hard time with a few jagged edges on the legs themselves. They are geometrically smooth, but brazil makes a jagged line. Perhaps it’ll clear up when I adjust the sampling a bit higher and put lights in the scene?

Let me know what you all think so far.

Wow man, that’s lookin really nice. Wish I had the skills like you in 3dsMax. Got it around 2 months ago, still trying to learn how to make a box.

splintcll :smirk:

nice there ironikart… real nice!

  • bump *

Going to add a new render as soon as it finishes…
waiting… waiting… waiting…

brazil rocks just got it…cant wait to see your render

Ok, 3 hours later I have another render. I’ve blocked in the body and I’m going to start working on the details and the ****pit. I’m tossing up whether or not to get rid of the tank turret. I think it would look better with an artillery-like cannon mounted at an angle.

{I’m already gritting my teeth at the prospect of the final render… its looking like a full day or so of rendering at this rate)


heh incredible - (uuuunconceivable), i like the Kirupafilters, c0ckpit…

that’s not exactly what I expected but it KICKS AZZ
COol! I can already imagine it walking… boom… boom… ::camera shaking:: :slight_smile:

yeah very nice… have you tried to put on that render that was used by someone not long about that gave a realistic shine to it.

i think that would look great.