Random motionnnnn

i read the tutorial for flash 5 to make a symbol move randomly. I tried to use it with flash mx and it doesn’t work. I really need help because im getting payed for this. Please anybody helpppp mmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


-=[ViVeRe MiLiTaRe EsT]=-

I had the same problem, and I couldn’t find what was wrong about it… Maybe Supra will know…

pom 0]


This should help, its pretty simple, to make a symbol move randomly your code should be something like this. For example say you have an MC named circle.
_root.circle._y=random((100) + 50);

I’m sure you know what this does, if not post again.
Hopefully this will help you!


Thanks Iceman, but he was refering to a tutorial on this site. :smiley:

pom 0]

iceman thats just what i needed, the tutorial didnt work for me so i neede help. Thx a lot! =)

i tried to use youre code but it didn’t work…please tell me if i need to do something else because im just starting to know actionscript

Hey neomaster,

Without the .fla I can’t really see whats wrong your code maybe you forgot to name the instance or something, but if you want to send me the .fla, I could see whats going on!
E-Mail: iceman4@sympatico.ca

Hope this Helps!


I created a MC
and named it “circle”
and then in frame 1 I entered your script and nothing happened.


The reason its not working is because you attached the code to a frame rather then a movieclip. When you create the circle mc attach the code to that circle mc on the stage, because the onClipEvent(enterFrame){ part of the code that I gave you will only work if you attach it to a movie clip. The enterframe part of the code keeps repeating everything that you enter after the onClipEvent(enterFrame) part of the code. So just attach the code that I posted to the circle mc and make sure its onClipEvent(enterFrame) and not onClipEvent(load). Hope this helps!


i did that and it still doesnt work.


can you send me the .fla, at iceman4@sympatico.ca then I can for sure figure out whats going wrong!



Hey my pc crashed with some virus and now i have to get the flash mx again. anyways im sure i did what u said. i made an MC called circle and i placed it on the first frame i selected the circle and in actions i pasted what you had posted. i wont be able to send you the .fla until i get flash. thx neways