I’m not kidding. I wonder onto the Flash MX forums once a day or so to see if I can help any of the new people to flash but once I get there I see all these complecated actionscript questions :h: and whatnot. Where are all the newbie problems! Where are all the questions like “I can get my motion tween to work”. I want some fricking motion tween problems! So in the end I end up leaving the Flash MX forum and comming back to random very frusterated. I think I am a pretty expirenced flash user yet I am hardly ever able to help anyone on the Flash MX forum. It’s not fair :puzzle:. I say we bring back Valay5! He had a bad temper but at least he had easy questions. To bad he never listened to the answers though… So anyways, does anyone have the solution to why everyone on this forum is so **** smart?
yeah we spend to mcuh time here lmao
That’s why all my posts are in random. All the questions are answered before i get the chance.
If I remember, valay5 left on his own accord…
if you want to help more, learn more, then you’ll be there.
there is no shortcut…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**If I remember, valay5 left on his own accord…
if you want to help more, learn more, then you’ll be there.
there is no shortcut…
Rev **
heh, your right valay5 did stop comming here on his own accord I was merely implying that we invite him to come post again, haha. That little bugger IMs me everyday on AIM though. He’s got really bad chick skills and I’m helping him through it I guess :+) .
And I wasn’t meaning for anyone to take me seriously. I was just meanlessly ranting about how smart of community kirupa is
and the most good looking person of kirupaville
rotflmao :run:
you mean this guy???
you really think so?? its probably his sister from Europe dontcha think
Goodness…Grim, is that you in both images?!:!:
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Goodness…Grim, is that you in both images?!:!: **
ummm actually, ummm errrr [SIZE=1]yes[/SIZE] and if you still doubt it and havent seen the post heres the link lmao
hahah well I’m glad you have a sense of humor…
You’re one brave soul…
Man… All those good looking mods and no pictures of the great marz himself… sigh… lol
hahahah Phil, can’t believe you still have that image.
Come on… Philbert has “everything”… That dreamy stud… :love:
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**hahah well I’m glad you have a sense of humor…
You’re one brave soul… **
bravery has nothing to do with it i think my mom smoked dried leafs or oregano while in her pregnancy because all like to do is make people laugh i love being a clown lol and personally i could care less what people think about me i love being me some say im crazy maybe i am
hahah that’s great, we need more clowns around here to entertain uncle Phil. =)
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**hahah that’s great, we need more clowns around here to entertain uncle Phil. =) **
trust me i try to but Mr. Philbo isnt easy to amuse
i think we are idiot savants.
<emphasis on idiot>
did he just quote himself?
Okaaaaaaay… :h:
Don’t forget Kitiara’s pic: