n00b newbie noob.... when will it stop?!

Maybe I am being unreasonable but what the hell is wrong with these people!? Is it just me? Or is everyone getting just a little closer to the “breaking point” every time they hear, or see the words n00b or newbie? Its really starting to get under my skin. I see all these new people coming here and asking complex questions, hell they even ask simple questions, but at the end they always say, “remember, I’m a n00b” or “I’m sorry I’m such a newbie” as if to justify their ignorance.

I’m not saying that their ignorance is unjustifiable, but its already justified without having to state it. We don’t care if you are incompetent with Flash or Photoshop. We would try to help you even if you wrote the damn program! There are two types of n00bs in my eyes. There are the kind that accepts their n00bness and works within their bounds. Their typical questions are

How can I make this movieclip move across the screen? I just got Flash yesterday and I didn’t bother to look at the help files because I am too busy and important to help myself, so I figured I would just ask you people because you are now at my whim because I am about to become the FLASH MASTER!!! AHAHAHAHAHH!! Oh, and I’m a n00b so go easy on me and explain it like you would to a two year old baby… Thanks a bunch!

Then there are these kinds of people

Yeah, hi… so I haven’t even opened the box yet, but I was wondering you could tell me how to make my Flash movie launch those nukes that the Koreans are hiding. I’m a newbie so go easy on me

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!? Must you really tell us everything about you? cant you just ask the quesiton? and then if you don’t understand the answer ask about that? Must you poison my eyes with these words every time you post anything?! If you are really that much of a newbie to the world of Flash then do this:

Open Flash > Help > Lessons

Then once you complete that go to Help > Tutorials

Then you will a basic knowledge of Flash but then you won’t have to say “I’m a newbie” but then you will start saying, “I’m an actionscript newbie” Then the cycle starts again…

Let me close by saying this, I AM NOT A n00b!! I am no expert, nor am I really any good with scripting, but if I wanted to do something with actionscript or Flash that I can’t figure out, I generally try to figure it out on my own using my existing knowledge rather than run to the forums with every problem that may arise in my files.

Please help stop the spread of these evil, corupting, poisonous words… keep them out of the English language… Keep me from the ‘deep end’ cuz I feel myself slipping… further… further…


me thinks you´re over reacting just a lil bit…

and that you´re kinda of wrong too:

Let me close by saying this, I AM NOT A n00b!! I am no expert, nor am I really any good with scripting, but if I wanted to do something with actionscript or Flash that I can’t figure out, I generally try to figure it out on my own using my existing knowledge rather than run to the forums with every problem that may arise in my files.

that said, this forum (or any flash forum) lost it´s purpose…

but hey, that´s just me :wink:

Well what I mean is even little problems. Also chances are that someone has already asked the question and people are too lazy to use the Search button… I dunno I am just ranting about whatever… My whole problem was with the whole usage of the term “newbie” but I went off-track a little…

Well I always overreact too :slight_smile:

I’d have to agree that people don’t take enough time to try and figure out and learn things themselves, it’s not difficult to do a search for a tutorial on something, but people want it on a plate.
And people often try to run before they can walk, giving some complex concept of what their site will do and advanced features it will have and asking for advice. then they get a reply trying to help and respond with something like “sorry, I’m such a noob, what’s a movie-clip?”

You should write a Flashinion, Jubby.

And you forgot about the newbie who wants to know how to make a site just like 2advanced by the way.

They say take it easy on me im a noob stuff like that.
because I went to Flashkit and they are as mean as hek man.

Either they say go check the tut we dont have to help you stuff. Like that…

I mean they always over react.
Alot of the Forums other then this one is very mean people.

I mean thats probally why half the people who signed up and did one post probally stay here forever.

I mean were do you think i came form this is deffinitly not my first post.Or Forum…

I went to flashkit,Actionscript.org i went to plentey and half the people are mean.

Im not to sure the Actionscript.org has much bad people…

But i am happy were i am Kirupa.I wil never go anywere else unless its my own created forum.

How can I make this movieclip move across the screen? I just got Flash yesterday and I didn’t bother to look at the help files because I am too busy and important to help myself, so I figured I would just ask you people because you are now at my whim because I am about to become the FLASH MASTER!!! AHAHAHAHAHH!! Oh, and I’m a n00b so go easy on me and explain it like you would to a two year old baby… Thanks a bunch!

lmfao…thats so true…kirupa should turn this into a flashonion or whatever that is…this was great jubba!

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**Well what I mean is even little problems. Also chances are that someone has already asked the question and people are too lazy to use the Search button… I dunno I am just ranting about whatever… My whole problem was with the whole usage of the term “newbie” but I went off-track a little… **

Yep, that bothers me too. some days you open the FMX section and you see four or five threas like: preloader stuff, help with preloader, how can i make a preloader ?, etc…
they don´t even have to do a search, it´s right on theyr faces, but no, they had to start a new thread…

but the worst are those ppl that start a new thread to each new question they have… those ppl :bad:

Jubba had a point, but went off on a tangent…lol.

I know a lot of people here stalk 2advanced, and the day they release something new, they copy and paste the URL in here and say “I have been using flash for a few days now, and I was wondering how this is done”. There is a reason they are called 2 <B>Advanced</B>. They are good, but overhyped none-the-less.

If you jump ahead of your current skill level, there is a chance you will stumble and fall, and not be able to accomplish things, then you might even dislike flash because you can’t do what you want. The way I see it, it is better to start from the very bottom and work your way up so you can actually understand the code you are using. Even if someone on the forum helps you with something, you should still be able to understand it without a “book” for an explanation (maybe some line comments or something).

And yes… preloader questions drive me nuts.

I apologize to the person who posted this for using them as an example, but here is their post:

Hi there, I’m new to flash MX. Needed anybody who has any experience in building a multiple chat client using flash MX to help with some function syntax.


Another problem is that everyone seems to be trying to make these rediculous things in Flash when it would be just as easy to make them in a regular web browser using PHP or some other language… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! FLASH IS NOT THE END ALL PROGRAM FOR THE 21st CENTURY!!

Wow someone asked that?

Dude… I wouldn’t even attempt that!

dude! You’re right! Dude! I rmember someone asking how to make a doom-like or counter-strike-like game! …somewhere! Dude!:o

Well the whole chat thing is doable, and actually I think I have a good idea how to do it using a database and PHP to load the variables, but still… just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.

the chat is very much possible… as a matter of fact I believe I remember a chatroom made in flash being up here in kirupa.com! I don’t know what happened to it!
But think of a first-person-shooter game in Flash! LOL :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah i know… that relates back to my nuclear missle comment… People see Flash as some sort of gateway to another world where anything is possible. Flash its limitations just like anything else in this world…

I’m with you on the newbie thang Jubba!

I’m also tire of leet talk in general. 21st Century version of pig latin…

my rant:

the people who actully come out and ask: “can’t you just give me the code?”

the ones who don’t want to learn, just copy and paste…



*Originally posted by reverendflash *
my rant:

the people who actully come out and ask: “can’t you just give me the code?”

the ones who don’t want to learn, just copy and paste…


Rev **

Oh boy… don’t get me started on that one :x I USUALLY only supply a source file if they show me they tried or having some specific trouble with the script that they may be doing wrong, but I can’t quite pinpoint from my end.

Or… if it’s so easy it’s easier to cough up a quick example for them… I usually do that…

it’s rude to expext us to actually make the code JUST for them… we’re helpers, not slaves…

*Originally posted by Jubba *
Let me close by saying this, I AM NOT A n00b!! I am no expert, nor am I really any good with scripting, but if I wanted to do something with actionscript or Flash that I can’t figure out, I generally try to figure it out on my own using my existing knowledge rather than run to the forums with every problem that may arise in my files.

Man I have bether seen shuch a great txt

Scruw those newbie’s

When I started out Like 4 year ago I didn’t even know how to use the progamm. But I just tryed and tryed.
And finally I got some good work done.

Tip for newbie’s:

  1. You need allot of time< if you don’t have it. Get some or forget it.>
  2. Just start trying stuff
  3. There are millionds of great site’s out there to help you.
    kirupa beginning one of the best,
  4. Don’t try and start with action skript right away. Use only what you need. So don’t go father then the basic skripts.
    Try to understand tweeing and the motion first before starting with actionskripting