Rant: Never buy the ASUS A8N-SLI Motherboard

Okay, first off I bought this motherbaord because I heard great things about it… WRONG.

First I tried to put the motherboard inside my case, it doesn’t fit in properly so I have to bend it a bit causing a wire to snap. I drive down to where I bought it (40 minutes away) and take it back.

I get a replacement. I remove a standoff so the board fits into my case this time. I put it in and turn on my computer. The fan on the chipset is incredibly loud. (My computer was upstairs, I could hear it downstairs.) At first my friend (krnmikel) and I thought a wire was stuck inside one of our fans and the fan was hitting the wire… Nope, it was just the chipset fan somehow making an incredibly loud, annoying clicking noise all by itself.

After being extremely frusterated while trying to get the motherboard out of the case (due to screws not coming out) I found out that I had broken off bits of the plastic that holds the HSF. I am about to go return this board and get a ABIT FATAL1TY… I would never recommend this board, not even to my greatest enemy. F- for the ASUS A8N-SLI motherboard.

If you can somehow find a revision of the motherboard with a fixed fan, then sure I’d recommend the motherboard. And no, you can’t remove the fan, I tried my best and it wouldn’t budge.