Recent Trash Talk

Let me clear some things up…

Recently some members here came onto Billy Bussey’s forum with some severe attitudes. I called them out and they didnt like it.

So for those of you here who have negative things to say about me, do it on AIM instead of on a forum like a coward.

Dan, you call me a loser but if I do recall you used to ask me for design advice (not FLASH advice but DESIGN advice) all the time. Guess that makes me a big loser huh? You not modding the forum has nothing to do with ANYTHING.

I simply stated MY OPINION about this forum be cluttered with no-talent noobies that got a version of Flash MX off of Kazaa and claim they are web designers.

Now, before you testosterone ridden dolts (for those of you who qualify) jump on my back and start flaming me…I didnt say this forum doesnt have any talented members.

I can name one that comes to mind right off the bat and that is Edwin. I respect Kirupa himself and his book. I am sure there are other members here w/ talent. Dan you’re pretty good yourself.

If you guys/girls care to diss my talent, go ahead do so. I know how much $$$ I bring home, I know the job interviews I get and I know what grades I get in college. Thats all that matters. You dont like my work, fine. You dont like my site? Dont go. Dont like my avatar, dont look!

And saying trash like “that guys a losers” or “dont sink to his level”…that kind of stuff is total BS.

Never once did I call anyone ANYTHING harsh here. I simply stated that I feel the forum (as with almost ANY public design forum) is littered with know-it-all teenage newbies.

In closing, I’m not out to make enemies, only to make money…

ok I’ve said my peace, flame away if you’d like. You’re all welcome to participate in a Forum vs. Forum Battle over @ AC. We’ll even host it.

jnicklo: This is a flash resource/learning forum not a “show off your flash skills” forum, so naturally there will be a lot of “newbies” hanging around, but there are always the people who hang out and are better at certain things and can help the “newbie-ish” people out with their problems, that’s what this forum is all about. :slight_smile:

As for flaming, I really see no need for that, it get’s everyone nowhere. Live and let live, everyone is allowed to think what they want.

I see you posted in the Forum vs Forum Battle thread, I think that will prove interesting, I will definitely keep my eyes peeled on the outcome of that :slight_smile:

Uh… so… I guess… “toodles” :beam:

[edit] Ooops, didn’t know this thread was locked :x [/edit]

hi. im edwin. lets forgive and forget.

*Originally posted by jnicklo *
Dan, you call me a loser but if I do recall you used to ask me for design advice (not FLASH advice but DESIGN advice) all the time. Guess that makes me a big loser huh? You not modding the forum has nothing to do with ANYTHING.
I didn’t go to you very often, a few times at the most. Who came to me for Flash problems, you requested me to moderate your forum and for tutorials and such. I called you a loser, not because of your skill, which wouldn’t exactly classify you are a loser or anything of the matter, but from your words and how your so good at putting people down if you have no profit to be nice to them.

My words have been said. . . .