Red Dwarf: The Movie

next time I go to the dungeon, I will look:cool: :ninja: :pirate:



Im in Florida, near the mouse!

In the land of the mouse, there is no joy tonite:(

The boyz from da Dwarf donā€™t play there:( :frowning:

they have a few vids in the neighborhood Mom & Pop vid stores in my town:-\


ā€¦and GO GIANTS!

sorry, I digress:x

Did I hear someone mention Red Dwarf?

One of my all time favourite programs! I have to confess that just like the good Reverend, I possess all eight series on video, several T-Shirts (my favourite one being something along the lines of not attempting oral sex with false teeth in zero gravity), books and a complete mental record of the jokes / scripts included throughout the series.

Rimmer was my favourite character I think, although Duane Dibbley runs a close second.

Itā€™s one hell of a cracking show. In fact, thereā€™s an old mechanoid saying that I think has particular relevance here, and in binary it goes something like this: 001110101101101ā€¦

Kit is back! I wanna see this show! Someone please help me out? I could use a laugh.

Oh yeah, Iā€™m back!

Try looking at something like No idea if that exists or not. Otherwise try and that should have something.

Well Kit, you have gone further than I have:P but then again, I had to send to the UK, just to get my watch!:stuck_out_tongue:

The show is gaining favor in the US, usually played on PBS really late at night:sleep:

My favorite character has to be Cat:bandit: I still crack up every time I see him singing ā€œTongue Tiedā€ :o

Whenever my cable goes out (which does happen often, it seems), in goes a tape of the Crimson Short One :cool: :cool:

Iammontoya: If you canā€™t find the tapes anywhere around, maybe I can send you Season 1 to view (as long as you promise to take care of my babies):goatee: just so you are in the loop:cool:


And guess what UK Gold did on Saturday night? A complete, back-to-back showing of series 5! Whoo hoo!

Mr Flibble is <i>very</i> crossā€¦ :slight_smile:

ā€œWell spin my nipple-nuts and send me to Alaskaā€

Iā€™m just glad we get one episode a week!:stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m jealous Kitā€¦:bandit:


Canā€™t you get UK Gold over there? I thought it was a cable channel or whatever so everyone could watch itā€¦

Nope, we do get ā€œBBC Americaā€, but it is mostly Changing Rooms, House Invaders, Ground Force, with Monte Python and suchā€¦:-\

All good shows, but not the Dwarf:*(

Only Public TV shows the ā€œPosseā€:slight_smile:
