i have no religion, but i´m very found of Budhism and Brazillian Spiritsm (have no clue if that is the right english name).
i like that quote a lot:
*You have born in the home that you needed, dressed the fisical body that you deserved, lives in the best place god gave you, according to your previous will.
You own the righ finacial resources to your needs, no more no less, but the exact amount to your earthly struggles.
Your work enviroment is what you spontaneity elected for your realization.
Your family, your frieds, are souls that you´ve drawn, with your own afinity.
Therefore, your destiny is constantly on your control.
You chose, harvest, elects, atract, repel, expel, changes everything that surrounds your existence.
Your thoughts and wills are the key of your acts and actions.
They´re the sources of atractions and repelings of your journey - living.
Don´t complain nor play the victim´s role.
Before all, analize and behold.
The change is in your hand.
Re-make your goals, seek the good and you´ll live better.
No one can make it back and have a new start, but anyone can start now and have a new ending."*
-Chico Xavier