I believe there was a thread like this in random, but lets make another.
What are each of your religious beliefs. Please post once, state your beliefs and do not in any way remark on anybody elses beliefs.
I am a Chrstian. Currently I am methodist, but I don’t know which denomination I agree with the most though, cause my parents would get mad if I went to a different church, so I’ll have to wait until college to actually look at the other denominations.
i am muslim for all my life and i wont change my belief. it is very wierd for me personaly to find may ppl change their religion. cuz i lived in a community where ppl know about all the other religoins but they wouldn’t convert and they would follow thier parents and they wont even think about changing. since i came to canada i found so many ppl wouldn’t follow thier parents or change thier religion. but thier is one thing that doesn’t get into my mind what is it that makes ppl convert? i dont know why realy so i keep wondering why.
although i’ve been christened when i was younger, i never grew up in a terribly religous family…my mum did and maybe on the occasional christmas day i’ll go with her and her family to church but that really doesn’t happen alot…so i’ll say atheist…and just an opinion…when life is discovered say bye bye to some religions…please don’t get all huffy puffy about that…
i believe that the universe Began about 12 billion years ago and i also believe that billions of years later a large cosmic cloud in this region began to spinn and collaps under its own gravity giving birth to our sun…and later the planets in our solar system. I believe that life formed on earth bout 5 billion years ago. Primitve oceans and billions of pollymer compound combinations being carried out simultaniously eventually returned a compund that was self replicating. I believe life continued to change for billions of years while the earth develop a thick atmosphere. I believe man is one species from a branch of others that were not as succsessful as us. I believe one of our traits, self awareness, scared the **** out of early man. I believe religion is man made, i believe that one day we will die out. I believe that it is my duty to make my life happy, i believe i should be a good human being and i have no need for a higher being to judge me on my INSIGNIFICANT actions on this earth. i believe in about 70 or so years i will cease to exist, but the world will keep turning.
I believe that the universe began 10-14 billion years ago. I believe that Super-mega Black holes are the cause of the formation of galaxies. I believe that the universe is always expanding. I believe that in 3.6 billion years our galaxy will collide with our neighboring galaxy and our solar system will either be hurled into deep space, or we will be sucked into the vortex of a Super-mega Black hole. I am 100% atheist and I have scientific evidence that, I feel, backs up everything that I believe. I believe that life on this planet was a fluke, but it is a fluke that has probably happened on many other planets in many other galaxies. I believe in evolution. I believe in natural selection and survival of the fitest.
I was Roman Catholic until I was about 14. At that time I looked around at everyone in my life and I realized that I did not believe in a higher power. Everyone’s actions just seemed so insignificant in the long-run. No matter what you did in your life, you live, you suffer, you love, you hate, you laugh, you cry, you expire. To me, there is no fate, no divine power, no path or guide to life. We are on our own.
I do think that Religion is a good thing tho, because if everyone were to believe what I do, the world would be a scary, chaotic place. Religion brings order to men and gives them a way to behave. I do not have any problems with anyones religion, as long as your beliefs are not pressed on me.
Continuing with Edwin’s idea of
*Originally posted by vts31 *I believe religion is man made
I believe that man created religion because he feared the uncertainties of death. Primitive man did not understand what happened when its mate died. He created religion to ease his mind and give him something to believe in. Religion today is an attempt to control man. Maybe not control so much as guide in a favorable direction.
Ok, I’m done. This may seem fragmented but thats only because I wrote different parts at different times…
I pick and choose my religious beliefs carefuly. There are some terms which apply to me and my pov, but none I care to label myself with.
I do not worship god. A superior being cannot need worship, or even desire it.
god exists as a thought, a realization.
I am god, you are god, they are god.
Sin is that which acts in direct contradiction to the safty and welfare of the community which is life.
In all other respects I’m with Edwin and Jubba on the matter. i.e. I believe that science currently paints a relatively accurate picture of the developement of the universe and life within it.
I was Christian, Catholic. I was (i don’t want to look up the word) after birth and i got (i don’t want to look up the word, still lazy) but now that I’m 17 I think alot about stuff like that. And I think that this religion won’t help me much. It takes time and you get not enough back…
Maybe sometimes I come back to it, but right now I’m not into it at all. I believe in other things and when I search for answers to questions, which are normally answered by my religion, I speak with friends about it and always find a good solution. That was kinda weird talking
I am agnostic, I think a lot of people are but mistakenly call themselves atheist. I don’t think it’s possible to conclusively prove or disprove the existence of a God, but I live my life based on fact therefore I don’t follow any religion. I personally think it is wrong to bring a child up within a religion, I am angry at my parents for doing it to me and would not do it to a child of my own.
I don’t see how anyone can justify conditioning a childs mind from an early age to accept as fact, stories which you can never know to be true. It removes freedom of thought and divides society.
You take a step back and realize that religion has given us, as a species, so very much. What is life, after all, without a reason to exist; a heavenly being to please? But that which has taken us this far will likely cause civilization to implode upon itself within one lifetime. The writing is on the wall: Religious fundamentalism (and particularly Christian Fundamentalism) ebbs and flows…every fourty years or so brings a resurgence. (we’re in one now, in case you thought the sales of the plainly awful “Tribulation” books were a fluke)
Millions among us, belonging to established religious movements look forward to history’s conclusion, to be followed by the establishment of a perfected era. The fact that there won’t be any “perfected era” won’t matter to us; We’ll be dead.
Not surprisingly, quite a few of these folks are also luddites.
And it’s not always enough to simply watch, pray and wait. Sometimes they feel that the inevitable chain of events just needs a little push. “God’s work”, they’ll call it. Right up until the very end.
As for the benefits: How else can you talk to youself daily, refocusing priorities and expressing gratitude, without wondering (quite rightly) if you’ve gone insane. Praying gives us this wonderful capacity to be our own therapist.