what is your stand on religion?
I don’t believe in anything. My view is that when you die you die. No afterlife. No heaven, no hell. I am a scientific person so therefore I look to science and the history of the earth for answers. Primitive man feared death so he created god and afterlife. Modern man fears life, so he continues to cling to the notion of god and eternal bliss after death.
Those are my views.
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
And in my opinion it is all phact.
And thats what we love about you philbert! :trout:
:phil: lol
Good, I think.
I know that bothers people. It bothered me a little bit, but I don’t really let things bother me too much.
Recently however, I realized how embedded religion is into society and frankly, I started to get kind of sick. I saw a billboard that said “In God we Trust” and I got a little offended. I’m still not sure why that bothered me tho…
One time I was working out at the YMCA and this chick started talking to me and she’s like “Do you believe in God?” and I said “No, I can’t say I do” and she says “Why not?” and I said “I just don’t buy the stuff they say in the Bible” and she’s like “Well, then, do you have any morals?” and I said “Well, I know that I’m not supposed to kill you.”
She kinda got this bewildered face and then said “Well, I’d like you to get saved, so come to our church group meeting” and she proceeded to write out the address for me and everything. I just told her I don’t believe in god. Couldn’t she just leave my poor sinner soul alone?
:pope: :pope:
Hey phil,
That’s interesting, just wondering about those who never get to know Jesus, what happens to them? Also, is Jesus the son of God or God, this is confusing me somewhat because my mum is a born a again christain and can’t explain it and I’ve read much of the bible, untainted from the divisions of the churches around the world and never came up with the conclusion you’ve just came up with.
The propganda behind the Roman throne may answer much of this speculation, were they using Christainity, in the end, to contol the people?
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**And because of this, I believe it my duty to my fellow creatures to share this good news and to show them kindness and forgiveness even as I have been forgiven; This in my opinion is serving the Lord; To love those whom I come into contact with as best I can;
Sounds like GOD SPAM to me.
As I hate spam of any kind, I don’t feel the need to force my point of view on anyone. There’s nothing worse than walkin down the street and having some random person come up to you and say stuff like “Have you embraced God today?” And why is it mainly just the God squad that feel the need to do this? When was the last time you got stopped by a Devil worshiper on the way to 7-11?
Don’t take offence by MY views. I don’t want to cause ANOTHER war over religion.
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**I know that bothers people. It bothered me a little bit, but I don’t really let things bother me too much.
Recently however, I realized how embedded religion is into society and frankly, I started to get kind of sick. I saw a billboard that said “In God we Trust” and I got a little offended. I’m still not sure why that bothered me tho… **
I got offended too when I saw that billboard!!! Guess we weren’t in their target audience. hehe
Pinx: I totally agree with you. I don’t buy what the bible offers cuz its written by men. Men smoke weed, eat shrooms and drop acid. Men hallucinate. they are also corrupt.
One of my ex-g/f’s fathers tried to save me… I was scared…
Also, the constitution says something about the separation of Church and State, and our good friend George W. is totally disregarding that whole thing.
I will quote John Stewart:
“Even as govener of Texas, President Bush was a strong supporter of religion in prison”
—Flash to picture of Electric Chair—
“By personally arranging the meeting”
Do you see Bush as most of the UK see him: the devil?
Just reminded me what everone is saying at work today over here in the UK.
HAhahaha, speaking of weed, one of my very good friends used to do a lot of it in college and he told me this funny story.
he used to have 4 roomates and they all lived in one big house when they were in college. so him and two others came home one day and found their other roommate talking to a couple mormons. they were like, wtf, cause they wanted to smoke weed but the other roommate just wouldn’t tell the mormons to leave so after a couple hours, they just went to the living room, lighted up a couple joints and started smoking them right in front of the mormons. they even offered the mormons some but of course they didn’t want any.
I see him as a 50 year-old man-child. He is not capable of leading the country with the views that he has. He is a war-monger that is only trying to distract the country from our current economical recession. He is too religious to be leading this country, I feel that he thinks he is on some kind of holy mission. We (as a country) do not need someone like that. Being religious is ok, having beliefs is ok, but when you express them as your driving force and you are the ruler of my country, I start to get a little worried.
He’s not the devil, but he’s really stupid.
I became a bit of a speed threak when I was around 15/16 years old and the mormans came round my gaff.
We let them in and carried on smoking ‘told’ weed though a homemade bong as they went on about this addition to the Bible they tried getting into our heads. We waffled them to death and they left in the end with us laughing in their faces and thankfully that was the last time those suited xxxxx came round again.
*Originally posted by pinx *
**HAhahaha, speaking of weed, one of my very good friends used to do a lot of it in college and he told me this funny story.
he used to have 4 roomates and they all lived in one big house when they were in college. so him and two others came home one day and found their other roommate talking to a couple mormons. they were like, wtf, cause they wanted to smoke weed but the other roommate just wouldn’t tell the mormons to leave so after a couple hours, they just went to the living room, lighted up a couple joints and started smoking them right in front of the mormons. they even offered the mormons some but of course they didn’t want any. **
I would have paid good money to see that!
me to:beam:
Wow… just got serious deja vu…
me too. :beam:
Im an atheist. “When you die, you’re dead.”
I think religions serve to console that natural fear informing people and their conscience that everything will be okay in an afterlife as we can’t rightfully fathom with any real justification our own eternal demise. “What’s the point? We’re all going to die anyway? Here’s the point. God. Oh.” So with that a more stable social structure can endure while a smaller elite group of despotic religious leaders can enforce their control on the population spreading (qoute) His (unquote) word to the ignorant masses.
Of course not all religions follow this mold. Most, however, follow the same patterns involving reassurance or explanations to fill the holes in Mans ignorance. “But there’s just no known explanation for that! Must be some form of Higher Power. Oh, that makes sense.”
This is not to say I think religion is bad or insensible. I have pushed a few friends into seeking a religious form of purpose in life. They (religions, that is, in general) support good morals and, through their amazing brainwashing powers, are able to make good people from bad. If I had it my way, everyone in the world would be religious (but me) … maybe not catholic… well… ok, when I say religious, I mean that loosely. I think you get my point.
I think now, especially, in our current age and state of society, religions can serve a great purpose to help keep the world’s people who, epecially in more developed cultures, have too much time and intelligence to ponder the meanings of life and how this often mundane path we trod therein only leads to a dead end existence. Some direction and purpose would do them good… otherwise it typically leads to drug use :hair:
Oh, and people who insistenly try to spread their religion on me are annoying. Mentioning it is fine. I understand. Persistence calls for a swift kick in the fa…
anywho. All opinions here. I’ll realize I’m wrong when Hades is kicking my arse in the netherworld.
[edit] wow a lot has happened since I first hit reply[/edit]
He’s a righ religious freak and should come up with with proper policies. I agree that something needs to be done about Sadam but Blair and Bush are on some really haavy ‘trip’ if they think that this is the way to go about it. I don’t know about your domestic politics that much, so I won’t go into the tax stuff.
However, that Bush is certainly a 50 year old child and trying to live up to his dad’s expectations - still.