Remove actionscript forum?

Im going to be the black sheep here…

I liek the AS section, for me i know i can post a great AS question and get an answer quick about AS…

I think the AS forum denotes that you know more than the basics. If i posted a question in one of the flash forums about action scripting most times people havent grasped the basics quite yet (or am i just wrong. lol) where as in AS you wouldnt have to explain as much…

Thats my 2 cents. hey wait, thats about 1.8 cents, I want change back! lol

Having stickies and flashing banner ads in theory is a great idea. But stupid people who are too lazy to search (even search as in scroll down and find what you’re looking for right there on the same page) will remain so from here until the end of time.

You’re right about that, Ren…

RayDred… I don’t even visit the A/S forum anymore. Do you know why? (Jeopardy Music, please…)

  1. People post their questions twice, once on MX once on A/S (btw, I know that waffe posts the same questions, multiple times and under different names…that is tick, tick, ticking me off!)

  2. It’s hard for me to follow where I answered the last question, so I have to keep looking on both.

  3. etc. (that means I thought I had twenty reasons, but probably have less than five).

I am a rookie at this stuff, but I answer questions of any caliber in the MX forum. I will say again that almost every question on that forum is an actionscript question. Check out the last 30, and you’ll see.

Furthermore, Drew Barrymore is the best angel. I simply don’t know why keep arguing over this…

Hey Raydred,

Sure the Actionscript forum is a great place to answer those AS questions, but it is a pain sorting out what version.

If you are using MX, you can optimize a lot of code in ways you can’t in Flash 5. So it would make sense to post your AS question in the forum that pertains to the version you are using.

I never go to the AS section, so it wouldn’t really matter to me whether it was removed or not… :-\

Lucy Liu is the best angel, period. :pirate: Yar…!

Hey, why dont mods just edit each thread title if it was an MX or 5? or y not creating a new forum for for each one?

Why should mods go through everyones thread and correct their lazy mistake?

Relating to the earlier arguments about Chromeless windows, etc… as of IE6 SP1 Chromeless windows are dead, IE removed whatever Chromeless windows ran on, so they are gone unless microbians think of some genius way around this, which so far they said they can’t.

i like the idea of having two seperate AS forums, that way you dont have to guess on what version of code that person could use…good idea h88.

this is yar job Lost…:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by *
**i like the idea of having two seperate AS forums, that way you dont have to guess on what version of code that person could use…good idea h88. **

nah, its not my idea, its just there in every community…grrr:stuck_out_tongue:

mdipi - Flash 5 section is for Flash 5, which includes Flash 5 AS and anything related to Flash 5.

Same goes for the Flash MX, it goes for the MX AS and anything else about MX.

h88 - It is a mods job to keep peace on the board, to help people, and yes to keep order. But I don’t see how all the mods should have to go be like waiters to the people who don’t feel like reading one sticky that tells them what to do before posting.

hmm…at times like this you wish there was a hand that could come out of the computer and slap all the lazy people who ask the same dam question over and over. A slap would really get there attention…hell thats the only way to get my attention in real life! I’m a zombie… :cyclops:


Are you sure it’s not due to your location?

[SIZE=1]:: Dude… 'ere… ::[/SIZE]


spooky spooky footer. Just like “The Ring”…creeepy…

*Originally posted by reverendflash *

Are you sure it’s not due to your location?

[SIZE=1]:: Dude… 'ere… ::[/SIZE]

Rev:elderly: **

WAT! passes a blunt to Rev