95 percent of the questions on the Flash MX and Flash 5 forums are about actionscript. But, if you go to the A/S forum, there’s stuff in there for A/S Flash 5 and A/S Flash MX. Doesn’t it make sense to consolidate?
Hey Iammontoya!
Sure, but there are also some legitimate AS questions that are posted there. Maybe if all the mods simply moved all the threads from the AS forums that are non-AS related to Flash MX, won’t the problem be reduced? Just a suggestion. I don’t mind consolidating, but I thought it would help keep things a tad bit organized?
Hmm… If I moved all the threads from the a/s forum that are non a/s related. I would still have to move all of the Actionscript posts on the Flash MX and the Flash 5 forums into the A/S forum. Then, I’d have to sort the A/S forum posts into Flash 5 posts and Flash MX posts.
See where Im coming from?
(As always, this is just a friendly suggestion… You know I’m happy-go-lucky)
Absolutely agreee with Inigo on that one. Moreover poeple never say if they work with F5 or MX, despite my sticky, so I don’t think it rally helps organizing things…
yeah, organization is quite a pain. I just noticed a few FrontPage 2002 Help questions in the Forum Help section. Shall we just have a policy where any posts in the wrong section gets moved to the right section? It really does bug me that people can’t take the time to post in the right section.
This will be difficult, I think. A huge job, first, and how are we supposed to judge if it’s a Flash MX or a Flash MX AS question? What if there’s both? And what if it is AS that is backwards compatible, posted in the MX section? :crazy:
I think in all of the forums the majority of the questions invovle AS. Have that forum makes ppl confused. Getting rid of the AS forum might help keep ppl from double posting as well.
I agree! There’s no need for the Actionscript forum.
Then we don’t need the stickies like Ilyas made
And really… who cares if it’s actionscript or not…
The main thing to know is if it’s F5 or FMX!
If we add a preloader forum we might as well add a Chromeless/borderless window section. There are so many of those questions! Which is more, preloader or borderless window? I know I’ve asked both before…
its definately worth considering
or we could have a HUGE flashing banner that says PRELOADERS AND CHROMELESS WINDOW TUTOrIALS HERE!! or if that dont work try "Britney Spears XXX Free!!! "
i’m sure there wont be any preloader questions after that…unless the people after the BS pics start clogging up the forums with request for free BS pics…um…this could get ugly, hang on to your seats ppl…dont let kirupa catch wind of this movement! :pirate:
Yeah, I was really kidding with the preloader thing!
I do like those ideas. I had mentioned to Kirupa that a FAQ of sorts would be helpful. One that simply has the top 10 requests or something.
dynamic jpeg/mp3
dynamic movement
etc… (I dont know if any of those are right)
I like the changing banner… even the stickies… Hmm… the stickies would get kinda long and crowd top page of forum… maybe stickies in a different forum? Hmm… dunno…
It really is similar to that whole Best of… Idea. We used to pay more attention to that in the old forum.
Phil!! When you are brilliant you ARE brilliant. When you are not…well, you are not.
Having all the tutorials on the main page is a perfect solution! I have a news section that is pretty much useless. I can replace the stuff in the news section with a full listing of all tutorials. I’m posting from school, so my messages must be brief