Submit here (5/2-5/8)

If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for May 2-8, 2003, please read the summary of rules:

  1. Reply by the end of Thursday, May 8 to be considered for this week’s award.

  2. Include the URL and your email address.[list=a][]Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.
    ]Only one submission per person per week.
    []Submissions are capped at [COLOR=red]10 each week[/COLOR], so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.
    ]Include a brief synopsis of your site inluding its purpose, or maybe some features you wouldn’t want anyone to miss.[/list=a]

  3. Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible.

  4. While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.

  5. Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.

  6. There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced by Tuesday, May 13, 2003.

  7. No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.


I’d like to submit my personal website:


My Site is

its not much of a site but i`m only a poor concretor. :elderly:

[COLOR=red]Disqualified. Since this is a website contest, the website itself must consist of Flash. [/COLOR]


Site Requirements

Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible. We understand that HTML sites are just as creative, but this is a Flash forum and the award is geared towards Flash developers. HTML sites are still free to showcase their work in the Site Check forum.

If you count the individual files, it is well over 90% flash.


I would also like to submit my portfolio site:

I tried to be different from the rest in terms of layout etc. And not go for that overused 2advanced/matallic/curvey/modern style.

I forgot my e-mail addy, so I have edited this post. My e-mail addy is:

I would like to submit the following site.

here is mine:

i’l l try again.

my website @ and email:

and here’s the brief description:
this website is about me and reflects the moods and the colors of years of songs written in my notebook.
the basic inpiration comes from the dark (my most creative period is night) and blood. so… the main colours you’re going to face are black and red :slight_smile: i guess my music follows a linear path without too many things on the way so… as you can imagine… the overall layout will be an overload of lines.

hope you’ll like it!

…people! EMAIL ADDRESS. lol


ello, any chance I could sumbit mine?

online flash games with news and chat.

The latest project to go on there (under the experimental section of Games) is called CarAI which simulates traffic driving around a road network, giving way at junctions etc. in a similar style to the first grand theft auto game. I think its the first time something like this has been done whith Flash but I can’t be sure =)

Nothing sick but I got great feed back from the company I did it for.

*Originally posted by stringy *
**If you count the individual files, it is well over 90% flash. **

But your actual site has to be Flash, not just the files you showcase. Your site is not elligible…

if I didn’t post my site in the right thread for consideration to be a site of the week - here it is again:

Yes this is where you submit your site. We do it all in one thread now.

You are number 10, therefore the last one able to submit.

The results are in:

pcNimbus 0% 0%
SamsonknightDesign 10.00%
CNI Advertising 0%
m.salcido 10.00% 0%
Prana Labs 0%
Connect Games 0%
Hylan Supply 0%
David Dalton 60.00%
None of the above 20.00%

The winner is David Dalton!

Congratulations Kinga_Dow. You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Check back later as mod critiques will be posted later today.

Congrats kinga - you have a really awesome site :wink:

Kirupa :cool:

Apologies for the delay. Below are the mod critiques:

[]Nice scripting here, but nothing really new. The design is very simple, maybe a bit too simple, and there’s not much content. I love the rolling ball though
]Pretty straight forward layout, nothing too special though. I give it credit for being simple and clean, but it’s not SOTW material. What I want to see is the use of flash and pushing it to the limits. Try doing something that hasn’t been done before. Other than the rolling ball, this layout could of been easily created with plain HTML. Also I noticed a problem with the text in your home section, if I repeatedly press on the home button, the text shifts around.
[]to be honest, there are many other sites that simply outrank it; It’s overall color and format is good and clear, but some things such as the ball were a tad distracting. Thats just me though. Nice but it lacks very much content and flare.
]Didn’t like the ball following my mouse. There is no purpose for it other than just because you can. Other than that, it works, it just lacks imagination.
[]I liked this guys site. Not a lot of content (more than mine though), but quality content. I love the ball rolling around on the site. It moves well.
]Looks pretty clean and simple. The ball… I’m not sure if it’s following my mouse or not, but I really like the way it moves and looks. I’d like to see some more content though, it seems a little spartan.
[*]Although the rolling ball is very nice scripting, I have to say that it is quite annoying when integrated in the layout. It kept covering the text and buttons… grrr. Not much in the content area though and the layout is just some basic rectangular buttons that change the text of a textbox and reset the ball back to the center. It is a nice simple site and does it’s job, but I think it may be TOO simple (almost HTML-ish).

[]The Enter button has to stand out a bit better, it took me over a minute to understand I had to click somewhere on the first page (I’m slow, I know). Concerning the design, there’s not enough variations, red and white is no enough. There’s a problem with the speed too, everything seems slow. Finally, I didn’t like the fact that the windows that opened had different designs (different drag bars for instance).
]First problem I noticed with this site is the splash page, it’s way too bright with the red. Also the red used on the background of your flash movie doesn’t match the red used in your html so I can see the outline of your flash movie.

The list of problems goes on, your intro is too long and too slow. How about adding a feature to skip it?

Also a feature to turn off the music would be nice as well.

As for your layout, there’s no theme or color scheme, I suggest you plan things out next time. Good luck.
[]I’ll be honest, and don’t want to hurt feelings, but since he so desires SOTW, he needs to lose that red background altogether, do a spell check as their are gross spelling and grammar mistakes on the opening page; Speed all the tweens up and put in a little pizzaz. Keep it simple, but it all moves to slow, the tweens and the movies, etc…The animations are very basic but they show he has the foundation the do some semi-sophisticated motion with charachters and such. Not SOTW material.
Why all the text on the initial screen. Better yet, why is there an initial screen? Big preloader for no basic purpose (optimize your files). Then, you jumped into a total different interface for your movies (or lack thereof).
]The orange is too much. I don’t know what you’re trying to say with that, but I’d choose to say something else. My eyes hurt after looking at that for a few minutes. Diagonal flips are not working for you. They slow down the player on any normal PC. Don’t think, just because Flash can move something in some way, that you should do so. Lastly, but most important of all. Proofread your work, including spell check on all sections of text. Check sentence structure. Then when you think it’s perfect, hand it to someone who’s english skills you respect. Have them proofread it too.
Main advice I can give right now is keep working at it, buy books when you can, get them from the library if you can’t afford them. Look for web sites that teach design. Aspects like which colors convey what message should interest you.
You could win the SOTW award some day, if you work really hard at it, and are good about accepting constructive criticism.
[]Whoa… Bright colours. The red really hits you when the page loads. It takes a little while to work out where to click on that splash page to get inside. I’m not convinced about the colours at all… The red and orange just seem to clash as far as I’m concerned. The white text stands out, but the background itself is too intense. Clear menu, but there wasn’t much consistancy between the pages. And I couldn’t find any way to turn off the music.
]Ouch my eyes. The color was absolutely blinding. And it took me a while to find the enter button. I eventually found it Underneith “Resolution” which you do not define a requirement for, so it just says it requires a Resolution… which obviously everyone has. The layout had no structure, and the color scheme as I stated hurt my eyes. There was nothing really to define content. You open all your content in the same window, requiring the back button to be pressed, which then make the viewer have to hit the enter button again and wait through that slow intro again each time. Your transitions could use some work as well, they are slow, and jumpy. I don’t find this site to be SOTW material.

[]Nice splash page, nice intro, even though I sometimes couldn’t read what was written because it disappeared too fast. Anyway, with such an intro, I was expecting a very dynamic site, which I didn’t get. The colors are dull (black black black…), the font is a bit blurred, and the energy of the intro is gone…
]Well it’s obvious who ever created this site has the technical skills to put it together. As for design, I say that is this person’s weak point. The wire frame concept is pretty cool, but the site’s color scheme and layout didn’t flow together. I thought there was a lot of negative spaces on the layout and some of the text were blurry. Nice try, but not SOTW material.
[]I liked some of the photoshop and background design, but this is a very basic site which in my opinion is too dark, and the text is often hard to read; There is not a true continuity in this site; Seems choppy, splintered. Dark.
why have a skip button come up after I have to download 625k for a splash screen. Your interface jumps from Black to White in transitions, probably because you are loading all of your swf’s into the same level. And just curious, do you actually know Java? Hated the mystery meat navigation, plus it was always changing from section to section.
]Like the look. Even if it is a “black” theme, it looks sharp in most cases. I had a problem with the music icons. Specifically, I couldn’t figure out what either of them did. There should be a display in some form, which lets the user know what he’s rolling over. The icons are not self explanatory enough.
Either you read my mind or I read yours, as I’ve been working on wire mesh people for my site. Mine don’t look as good as yours yet though. J
All in all I like the site a lot.
[]Beautiful 3D wire frame on the splash page, well done. And an option to skip the intro. The navigation inside the areas (such as the portfolio) was a tad strange… Having to rollover for a hover caption, and not all of them had captions… I was a little disappointed when I started moving around inside the site… I was expecting something more like the splash page, but the overall design was too plain and dark.
]The images in the intro were a bit low quality. I didn’t get what those 2 buttons on the left were for. The text was a bit blurry and hard to read.