
Hi, I’m working on my school’s district web site. Lately, there has been a group of hackers that hack mass sites at random, and the school’s happens to be on their list. It has happened twice so far since I have been working on it, and I had a question; is there a way to make FrontPage republish your web after a certain amount of time, such as 6 hours?
I was also wondering if FrontPage can’t, what about other FTP/publishing programs? Or perhaps is there some tricky way to store a program on your server to do this?
If anyone could help, would be grateful. But please take into factor that if it involves buying anything, the school’s budget is a little tight.

I don’t know if FrontPage has that support, but I will look into other FTP programs and see if they support a timed upload feature. In the mean time, have you considered asking students in the local area to help with the secuirty problem? There are many students who know how to hack or how to prevent a hack - they might be more than willing to help the school out with their problem.

In the meantime, I will try to see if there is a FTP program that can help you upload the site every few hours.

I have a couple people in mind I could ask, probably. Also, there is a program I found that the tech coordinator and I were going to look into. I can’t remember the name or the web site, but I can come back tomorrow and post them. Maybe you could give some advice on that.
Thanks, you really are a helpful person.

I tried about 4 FTP programs such as CuteFTP, MS Web Publishing, etc. but I can’t seem to find the right one that automatically uploads every few hours. I’m still looking though!
