Results: Photoshop Grunge Battle Between and Lostinbeta

Results: and Lostinbeta Photoshop Grunge Battle
Ok, I got the go from Kirupa to put this poll up. and I have had a Photoshop battle on grunge. And here are our results. Vote on whichever you think is best…

Please note that the names in the Poll ARE links, click them to view the pictures.

PS: This thread is for votes only. Don’t get too off topic or your posts will be deleted!

…, but Lost’s just has more depth. Yours is sweet, and it’s not even funny how much better it is than what I could do. Keep it up :slight_smile:

thanks, i didnt know we could use pics…

Hey mdipi, in the rules stated by Dan…

Theme: Grunge Image
Programs: Photoshop (imported images can be used)
Size: 200 x 700
Time: November 20th

That is an exact copy and paste, it says imported images can be used. Also, even if it isn’t stated, I think it is implied that you can.

Just be sure they aren’t copywrited because then you can get in copywrite trouble :frowning:

Lol, i didnt c the other part of your attachment Lost, man u rock!

I voted for lostinbeta because he used photo manipulation instead of just slapping a bunch of brushes onto the stage, both look good, but lost had to have put more work into his!

well i came with my head held high!

This is all in fun anyway :slight_smile:

No more votes?

If not, this poll is going to close pretty early :-\

dont close it…i gotta round up 6 votes…

I am going to wait til maybe monday or tuesday, I just wanted to bump this thread up in the new posts list.

hey, i just found out i have this account?

wtf? this isnt mine! omg! :P! kirupa can you tell me whose account this is? this is i used my BBForum name by accident and look what happend! :P. if you could tell me that would be great.

ok,this is mine. but…i never signed up. i know i didnt…weird.

HAHAHAHA…lol. That is friggin weird :stuck_out_tongue:

now…mdipi wouldn’t vote for himself using that account would he?! =) :evil:
i think lost’s looks better…that flower looks sweet…nice try mdipi, i see an improvement from the images you made b4

I voted for Bob.

■■■■ that Bob… if he keeps getting votes he is going to beat me!!!

Oh wait… Bob is beating me!!!



Losts just had more to it. Very nice focal point with hte flower. Both are good though:)

haha! sucking up to the mod…i see…i understand…