After a long period away from web design i am looking to basically relearn everything, and this time round i intend to do it in a more focused and logical manner.
So obviously being a Kirupa member i have a huge interest in flash but i wont even touch it for a few months i dont think till i have properly relearned HTML and CSS.
I have a plan of attack (as it were) on what i want to learn and the order of doing so, what do you all think to it and am i missing anything out which i will need nowadays.
HTML - want to learn at least a good level of handcoding
CSS - As above would like to get to a point where using this and HTML i could make a decent handcoded site.
**Javascript **- Being a larger and more complex task im not sure if tackling this before php and mysql is a good idea
PHP/MySQL - want to get to grips with these to add more depth to my sites
Im by no means a novice and I understand that i could probably spend the next 10 years studying all that and still not know everything, but im not looking to be a web guru, just someone who can make a decent living designing sites. So an intermediate level of knowledge in each field is what im looking for at the moment before moving onto the next ‘task’
Of course along side all this i will be relearning Flash and Dreamweaver when i feel im ready to lay of the more technical stuff a bit and get more creative.
So is that list a good starting point, is there anything im missing?
And what would you tackle after CSS - Javascript OR MySQL/PHP