Yup, recieved it today! :beam: :thumb: It’s f*cking awesome :beam:
If you don’t have it and you like this kind of music (who doesn’t :P) then go and get it! :beam:
One of the songs performed live were the 80’s classic “I Feel Love” and RHCP’s cover was great :thumb: :thumb:
I really want it! I’m quite a big chilli’s fan, I’m even listening to them right now but I sadly missed the ocncert that they played near me, I was meant to go with some freinds but they all bailed out
Too bad none of you guys got to see them live, they were truly fantastic! Me and my little sis took a flight to Dublin and went to the concert there. But I wanted to go to the Hyde Park concert, too bad everything got sold out so quick
Next time I see them I hope I’ll be on the oter side of the atlantic (L.A. maybe? :beam: :thumb:)