Riddle me this

If it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, and the animals entered in pairs at a rate of 40 pairs per day, how many days did it take moses to get all 360 animals onto the ark

I spy someone who just ruinted it


um, 4?

according to the story it was Noah with the ark… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Guig0 - DESTROYER OF FUN! :trout:

Post some Jubs - you seem to know a lot!


*Originally posted by Jubba *
**according to the story it was Noah with the ark… :stuck_out_tongue: **

Hehehhehe :trout:

what’s the answer to yours Guig0

i can’t think of any at the moment. :slight_smile:

what gets wetter as it dries?

haha… I’m dumb

someone do the one about the lying person and truth telling person and teh question but i forget how it goes

a towel

sorry ren, but if you think that no one is doing a google search for the answer you´re just naive darling :wink:

and if you think this is fun anyway… you´re geeker than me :crazy:

whats the next number in the sequence:


a sponge

you r trapped in a room with only 2 doors.
you have to leave through one of the doors.
one leads to certain death the other to freedom.
there are also 2 men.
one always tells the truth and one always lies but u don’t know which is which.
you can ask them one question.
what question can you ask which wil lead you to the right door.

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**sorry ren, but if you think that no one is doing a google search for the answer you´re just naive darling :wink:

and if you think this is fun anyway… you´re geeker than me :crazy: **

is that why she broke up with you? :slight_smile:


28: no


Man I don’t care… in any case - I am still collecting these so I can use them on my friends so HA! :trout: