Riddle Of the Day

Whats powerful than god.

Whats eveiler than the devil.

And you cant eat it.

7 letters

Can you guess it:q: :q:

Have fun if you guess i might give you aomthing if i can think of something to give…


nothing :slight_smile:


oh yeah, if you want to post riddles and such, its much better if you put them in the Random section. That is where all of the regulars hang out and chat and shout out riddles and stuff. There are a few threads in there that are about riddles, but I think they slipped back a few pages. :slight_smile:

Jubs :cowboy:

Jubba good job man…

Thats the answer? Nothing? Wha?

::moving thread to random::


Whats up with you man…

Do you not like Jokes…
Telling me to get lost…

You went to far there man i don like that stuuf man…

If if your joking aroundd…

Cant tell me to get lost just becasue i posted a riddel in the Random area…

Man i know how to hack you lucky i dont use it…

Phil… this belongs in the random thread… it is random conversation :stuck_out_tongue:

BullDog: Phil has issues :stuck_out_tongue: LOL But your riddle really should have an answer more than nothing :slight_smile:

And the last hacking threat person got banned immediately… better watch it.

Well if you put it like this…

Nothing is powerfuler than god…

Nothing is eveiler than the devil.

You cant eat nothing…

See it sounds cool…

I know what it iss!!!
Am I right?!

$20 says I am, go me!

[EDIT]: Ehh… Nothing… why not me? :frowning:

I say death.

Everything can die (one way or another)… and you can eat things that kill you… so it’s like eating death.

Death is the answer.

Good one lostin beta i guess there is two answers so far…

I forgot to state… in some african cultures… death is considered an evil spirit overtaking someones body and not a natural cause.

And well… death isn’t a good thing.

So overall death is more evil than the devil.

BullDog: Two things.

  1. Don’t ever take anything Phil says seriously. Phil was just joking around. He’s a little strange. :slight_smile:

  2. Don’t ever EVER threaten anyone on this messageboard. You will be banned if you do. We take that kind of seriously.

Riddle should kind of look like this:

Whats more powerful than god?
More evil than the Devil?
Poor people have it,
Rich people need it,
And if you eat it, you will die.

Does that make a little more sense?

yea…that is a classic riddle …thx for reminding me …

Man i know how to hack you lucky i dont use it…

You can hack a computer, but can’t properly formulate a sentence. go figure…

might true for you but not me, but if it offends you i will chg it

Life only sucks if you die before you can really say you lived…

:frowning: if you say so Wizard of Oz

If you make it more plain what would be the funny?
