Its the bomb riddle i love it
Whats Stronger than god?
Eviler than the Devil?
You cant eat it or you will die?
Answer =________
How long is a chinesse man?
Do you have any riddles and try answering mine.
Its the bomb riddle i love it
Whats Stronger than god?
Eviler than the Devil?
You cant eat it or you will die?
Answer =________
How long is a chinesse man?
Do you have any riddles and try answering mine.
The stronger thn god one is.
Ahem Ahem
Nothing is stronger than god
Nothing is eviler than the devil
and if you eat nothing you will die.
So easy
What builds up cities,
tears down mountains,
makes you blind,
but can help you see?
Ok try this…
What’ll go up a drain pipe down, but can’t go down a drain pipe up?
here’s one…what always ends everything?
and another
There is something that is nothing, but it has a name. It joins our walks; it joins our talks; it plays in every game. What is it?
an umbrella.
QueenB: “g”
and “pace”
good guesses rev
no and…um no
want a second chance or post?
Hmm… I always hated riddles :-p
what always ends everything? - your breath
There is something that is nothing, but it has a name. It joins our walks; it joins our talks; it plays in every game. What is it? - a shadow
rev your answers were good, your a riddlin fool at heart arent ya
Rev, yep
you are very learned aren’t you…
gotta show something for all of these scars on my head…
Scars… Head… Huh? rubs bump on his head and walks away
When I sold shoes back in the early ‘80s, I worked at a store whose stockroom was 4 floors… straight up… We stored the boots on the 4th floor (if I’m gonna haul my suit up 4 flights of rickety stairs, it had better be for a decent commission), which just happened to house “El Siesta.” A 4’ by 4’ concrete beam which ran perpendicular to the isle, and was about 3’ 6" off the ground, so you had to duck to get to some of your inventory…
I was lucky, I learned after the first time I brought my head up too early upon leaving… although we did have a guy who used to come up missing every once in a while. He would usually come stumbling down in a few minutes rubbing his head, or else the customer would ask where he went, and we would send the new guy up to check on Bill…
lmao… That would suck man!
I remember MAsonry… This one jobsite had a smaller door and I had to carry concrete block through this 5 foot door… Mind you I’m 6’6’’… It wasn’t a fun month… lol
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